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民谣:Al Stewart - Lord Salisbury
日期:2009-06-12 12:13



歌曲Lord Salisbury

艺人: Al Stewart

音乐星级: ★★★

所属专辑: Sparks of Ancient Light

发行年代: 2008

风格: Folk

相关介绍: 曾经长发飘逸、英俊迷人的苏格兰民谣歌手艾尔史都华(Al Stewart)以其知性而从容的演唱风格在上世纪七十年代的英国民谣领域独树一帜。在他的歌声里,你可以感受到中产阶级白人特有的自负和嘻皮式的处世态度,而歌曲的主题,是总也离不开自省、敏感、浪漫和忏悔这样的内容的。这是上一代人的声音,虽没有The Beatles和Paul Simon那样如雷贯耳,却也能使你如同沐浴在伦敦的细雨中。如今的Al Stewart已经是个略微发福的老头子了,他现在沉迷于红酒收藏,偶尔举办酒会,抱着那把老吉它,唱唱曾经打动无数歌迷的温柔歌谣……


Song:Lord Salisbury
Artist:Al Stewart

Lord Salisbury said to me
"Though we spend our lives in isolation
Girdled 'round by the Emerald Sea
No fear shall we know".
Look away, look away, look away
To the lamp-lit square
At the ebb of May
Look away, look away, look away
For our survival

Lord Salisbury takes his time
The government sits in contemplation
All is ordered and in its prime
No fear shall we know
Look away, look away, look away
To the fog-bound ship in the icy bay
Look away, look away, look away
For our survival

On th mantelpiece is a silver clock
And it counts the hours and they won't turn back
The evening set and the room forgets
The day that went before
And through my window
Iron wheels on a cobbled mews
You will know changes soon

Lord Salisbury reads the news
And puts the paper on the table
Many paths will be ours to choose
No fear shall we know
Look away, look away, look away
To the fleets of steel and the waves of grey
Look away, look away, look away
For our survival

The Queen is old but she lingers still
Like the fading ring of a distant bell
And Oscar Wilde in his prison cell
Laments a brighter day
And in some window a red flag flies
In a meeting room
You will know changes soon

Lord Salisbury said to me
"Though we spend our lives in isolation
Girdled 'round by the Emerald Sea
No fear shall we know".
Look away, look away, look away
To the lonesome cry of the modern day
Look away, look away, look away
For our survival


  • fadingn. 褪色;衰退;凋谢 v. 使衰落(fade的ing形
  • flagn. 旗,旗帜,信号旗 vt. (以旗子)标出 v. 无
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • ebbn. 退潮,衰落 vi. 落潮,衰退