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日期:2012-01-04 11:34


Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Since the two legislators had a long history of major disagreements, the senator considered his colleague’s enthusiastic assurances that they would be in agreement on a forthcoming piece of legislation -------.

A fatuous

B precious

C sagacious

D meritorious

E ignoble

Correct Answer: A

Here's Why:

Choice (A) is correct. If this term were inserted into the sentence, the sentence would read Since the two legislators had a long history of major disagreements, the senator considered his colleague’s enthusiastic assurances that they would be in agreement on a forthcoming piece of legislation fatuous. It makes sense that the senator, in light of his and his colleague’s shared history of non-cooperation, would consider the colleague’s assurances fatuous, or complacently foolish.

Question Type: Sentence Completions

  • colleaguen. 同事
  • legislationn. 立法,法律
  • preciousadj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的 adv. 极其地
  • senatorn. 参议员
  • enthusiasticadj. 热情的,热心的
  • meritoriousadj. 值得嘉奖的
  • fatuousadj. 愚昧的,发呆的,愚笨的
  • ignobleadj. 平民的,卑贱的,卑鄙的,不光彩的