日期:2019-10-18 09:32


Thereafter, Alan used to go to meetings every few months, and found them good entertainment.
Robin Gandy went to some meetings later, and Jack Good joined after attending Alan's talk on 'Educating a Digital Computer' in December 1950.
Uttley from TRE and the philosophical physicist D. Mackay, were also very interested in machine intelligence, while W. Grey Walter and W. Ross Ashby, neurologists who both brought out early and influential books on cybernetic ideas, were keen members.
Grey Walter made some motorised 'tortoises' which could recharge themselves when their batteries were low.
There was a lot of enthusiasm, though it fell off over the next few years, as it was found that cybernetics offered no immediate solutions to the problems posed by human beings.
As it happened, Peter Hilton from Bletchley days had left Oxford to join the Manchester mathematics department in 1948, and Alan took him to see the machine which in some ways had grown out of their experiences.
Peter Hilton was also present at a discussion in the department in 1949, which also touched upon subjects in Alan's remoter past, the two fields of group, theory and mathematical logic which had set his professional career in motion.
The discussion concerned the 'word problem' for groups.
This was like the Hilbert Entscheidungs problem that Computable Numbers had settled, but instead of asking for a 'definite method' for deciding whether or not a given theorem was provable, it asked for a definite method for determining whether or not some given product of group elements was equal to some other given product, that is, whether some given sequence of operations would have the same effect as some other sequence.
Emil Post had given the first new result in this direction in 1943, by showing that the word problem for 'semi-groups' was insoluble, the question for groups still remained open.
Peter Hilton was amazed because Turing claimed he had never heard of this problem, and found it a very interesting problem.
And so, though at that time, his principal work was in machines, he went away, and about ten days later, announced that he had proved that the word problem was unsolvable.
