日期:2019-10-15 11:50


This was an unusual joint exercise, on which Kilburn stood by all night, Alan would hold up the output teleprinter tape to the light to read.
The content of a tape may afterwards automatically be printed out if desired (sic)... the output consisted mainly of numbers in the scale of 32... writing the most significant digit on the right.
More conventionally the scale of 10 can be used, but this would require the storage of a conversion routine, and the writer was entirely content to see the results in the scale of 32, with which he is sufficiently familiar.
Another old score, that of the Enigma, was also paid off at about this time: I have set up on the Manchester computer a small programme using only 1000 units of storage, whereby the machine supplied with one sixteen figure number replies with another within two seconds.
I would defy anyone to learn from these replies sufficient about the programme to be able to predict any replies to untried values.
He had, in other words, devised a cipher system which he reckoned impregnable even with the help of known plain-text.
There were some other hints of a continued interest in cryptology. Another item that he demanded from the engineers as a hardware function of the Mark I Ferranti machine was what they called a 'sideways adder'. It would count the number of '1' pulses in a 40-bit sequence.
This would have no application in a numerical program, but would be very useful in one where the digits coded 'yes' or 'no' answers to some Boolean question, and it was required to count the 'yes' answers—just what the Colossus had done.
Such applications might possibly have been spare-time interests of his own. However, it was during this period, as the international situation hardened, that he found himself consulted by GCHQ.
It would indeed have been remarkable had they not consulted the person who knew more about cryptology and the potential of electronic computers than did anyone else.
And had he not described cryptanalysis as the most 'rewarding' field for the application of programming? Few, however, were in a position to perceive this fact, the subject being more secret than ever.
A hark-back to cryptology also featured in his discussions with a young American, David Sayre, in this period.
