日期:2019-03-28 15:20


Logical as this was, and certainly comprehensible to mathematicians, who had been familiar with binary numbers for three hundred years at least, the fact was that 'fussy little details' such as this were more of a headache for other people.
To an engineer, in particular, it would come as a revelation that the concept of number could be separated from its representation in decimal form.
Many people would see the 'binary' arithmetic of the ACE as itself a weird and wonderful innovation.
Whilst he was perfectly correct in seeing this as a detail, it was a good example of his difficulties in communication with the kind of people who might fund, organise, and build his machine.
But with such details disposed of, he concentrated his report upon the two really important things: the memory and the control.
Considering the storage problem, he listed every form of discrete store that he and Don Bayley had thought of,
including film, plugboards, wheels, relays, paper tape, punched cards, magnetic tape, and 'cerebral cortex', each with an estimate,
in some cases obviously fanciful, of access time, and of the number of digits that could be stored per pound sterling.
At one extreme, the storage could all be on electronic valves, giving access within a microsecond, but this would be prohibitively expensive.
