日期:2018-12-20 20:34


Assuming the circuit to be 'linear', meaning that the input of a 'spike' of say half a unit would produce exactly half of this response, the effect of feeding into it the train of 'spikes' would be to 'join the dots' in a very precise way.
The information of each 'spike' would go exactly into the amplitude of the response of this circuit one unit of time later, and nowhere else.
The transmission would then be straightforward, and could be achieved by perfectly standard means; the decipherment process did not require any further new ideas.
Apart from the question of supplying a key-system, this was all that was required for the Delilah to effect an 'adding-on' encipherment of speech,
the analogy of what agents like Muggeridge, or the machines which produced the Fish signals, or the Rockex, were all alike doing for telegraph or teleprinter.
If the key were truly 'random', or without any discernible pattern, such a speech cipher system would be as secure as the Vernam one-time cipher for telegraph tape, and on exactly the same argument.
From the enemy's point of view, if all keys were equally probable, then all messages would be equally likely. There would be nothing to go on.
The disadvantage of the simple Delilah system, as compared with the X-system, was that its output signal would be one of bandwidth 2000 Hz, rather than a stream of digits, and that it would have to be communicated perfectly, or all would be lost.
In particular, any variation in time delay, or distortion in amplitudes, would ruin the decipherment process.
Sender and receiver would have to keep in time to the microsecond for the same reason. This was why it could never be used for long-range short-wave transmissions.
But it could be used for local short-wave, for VHF and for telephone communication. For tactical or domestic purposes, therefore, it held considerable potential.
