《使女的故事》明年要出小说续集 有没有很期待?
日期:2018-12-07 17:04


Margaret Atwood is writing a sequel to her novel The Handmaid's Tale, inspired by the state of the modern world.
The landmark 1985 book, about life under a totalitarian regime in the US, became a hit TV drama in 2017.
"Dear Readers, everything you've ever asked me about Gilead and its inner workings is the inspiration for this book.
"Well, almost everything! The other inspiration is the world we've been living in."
The sequel, to be titled The Testaments, will be published on September 10, 2019.
The Canadian author said it would be set 15 years after the end of the original book, which has become a feminist classic, and would be narrated by three female characters.
She didn't mention President Trump, but the press release noted that The Handmaid's Tale had become "a symbol of the movement against him, standing for female empowerment and resistance in the face of misogyny and the rolling back of women's rights around the world".
he original book told of Offred, one of many women who have been stripped of their previous identities and rights and forced into sexual servitude by the commanders of the Gilead regime.
The main part of the novel ended with her being taken away in a van by people she is told are members of the underground resistance.
Readers of the sequel will hope to find out whether she was smuggled to freedom, or taken for imprisonment and punishment.

《使女的故事》明年要出小说续集 有没有很期待?.jpeg

"As a society, we've never needed Margaret Atwood more.
"The moment the van door slams on Offred's future at the end of The Handmaid's Tale is one of the most brilliantly ambiguous endings in literature. I cannot wait to find out what's been going on in Atwood's Gilead - and what that might tell us about our own times."
Atwood has not revealed whether Offred - or any of the original book's characters - will be among the sequel's three narrators.
Hulu, which makes the show, has previously said the drama could be on screens for 10 seasons.
However, the print sequel is not expected to follow the same plot as the later instalments of the TV show.
The new book will be the 79-year-old's first novel since the Shakespeare-inspired Hag-Seed was published in 2016.

  • servituden. 苦役,奴役 n. [法]役劝
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章
  • plotn. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地, v. 绘图,密谋,
  • regimen. 政体,制度 n. 养生法(=regimen)
  • feministn. 女权主义者 adj. 主张男女平等的,女权主义的
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • inspirationn. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)
  • inspiredadj. 有创见的,有灵感的
  • symboln. 符号,标志,象征
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前