日期:2018-10-23 20:37


While the Atlantic remained in the dark, November 1942 proved to be the worst month yet for Allied shipping.
But the North African landings drew off part of the U-boat force, and the Queen Elizabeth, faster than any U-boat, made her way in safety.
Alan disembarked at New York on 13 November, but according to a story he told his mother, was very nearly refused entry to the United States:
He had on arrival some difficulty over admission as he had been told on no account to take any papers other than those in the Diplomatic Bag which he carried.
The triumvirate who confronted him on landing talked of despatching him to Ellis Island.
Alan's laconic comment was, 'That will teach my employers to furnish me with better credentials.'
After further deliberation and passing of slips of paper, two of the triumvirate outvoted the third member and he was admitted.
经过进一步交涉,以及一次2: 1的表决,他被批准入境了。
Such problems were supposed to be kept under control by W. Stephenson, the Canadian millionaire who directed 'British Security Coordination' from Rockefeller Center.
Stephenson, originally installed to liaise between the British secret service and the FBI, had made a considerable effort to advance British interests in America by undercover manipulation.
Since 1941 his office had expanded to take in the more serious work of channelling Bletchley's productions to Washington.
But perhaps Alan's tiresome habit of taking instructions literally had defeated even him. It was certainly a curious greeting for a person who in so many ways was bridging old and new worlds.
His primary assignment took him to the enormously expanded capital city, much changed since the sleepy days of 1938, where his opposite numbers in the Navy's cryptanalytic service, 'Communications Supplementary Activities (Washington)', were based.

  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • considerableadj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的
  • entryn. 进入,入口,登记,条目
  • diplomaticadj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • coordinationn. 协调
  • laconicadj. 简洁的,言简意赅的
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • curiousadj. 好奇的,奇特的
  • manipulationn. 操纵,控制,窜改