中国试管婴儿30年 无主胚胎去留困扰医院
日期:2018-08-23 15:49


Thirty years after the first test tube baby was born in China, assisted reproduction centers face a dilemma: How to deal with leftover embryos.
As a country where the number of test tube babies ranks on top of the world, up to 200,000 babies are born via in-vitro fertilization (IVF) every year.
For every IVF cycle, the hospital cultivates several embryos, implants two into the uterus, and the rest are frozen in liquid nitrogen tanks in the hospital.

中国试管婴儿30年 无主胚胎去留困扰医院

Hospitals sign contracts with patients about the leftover embryos, which usually state that hospitals will keep the embryos for some time (for example, six months), and if the patients don't have further requirements, hospitals can discard the frozen embryos after the period.
"But hospitals seldom discard embryos," said Yu Qi, head of the endocrine and reproductive gynecology center at Peking Union Medical College Hospital. "From doctors' point of view, embryos have the possibility of growing into a baby, so we don't want to destroy them."
If hospitals keep the embryos, there isn't enough room for the liquid nitrogen tanks
Cost is also a big problem. Freezing an embryo costs 1,000 to 3,000 yuan every year. Nobody pays the bill except hospitals for the ownerless embryos.
