日期:2017-05-27 08:12


He might also have expected John von Neumann to have made a few remarks about it.
Here was a truly powerful Wizard playing against Alan's version of the innocent Dorothy.
Like Weyl, he had been very interested in the Hilbert programme and had once hoped to fulfil it, although his active interest in mathematical logic had ended with Gdel's theorem.
He once claimed that after 1931 he never read another paper in logic, but this was at most a half-truth, for he was a prodigious reader, working long before anyone else got up in the morning, and covering the whole gamut of mathematical literature.
Yet there was not a word about him at this point in Alan's letters to his mother or Philip Hall.
As for the general readership of the LMS Proceedings, there were a number of reasons why Alan's paper was unlikely to make an impression upon them.
Mathematical logic seemed to be a marginal area of research, which many mathematicians would consider either as tidying up what was obvious anyway, or as creating difficulties where none really existed.
The paper started attractively, but soon plunged (in typical Turing manner) into a thicket of obscure German Gothic type in order to develop his instruction tables for the universal machine.
The last people to give it a glance would be the applied mathematicians who had to resort to practical computation in some field such as astrophysics or fluid dynamics, where the equations did not allow an explicit solution.
There was little encouragement offered to them to do so.
Computable Numbers made no concession to practical design, not even for the limited range of logical problems to which the machines were applied in the paper itself.
