日期:2017-04-19 15:30


5.Pork Ramen Candy


Ahhh, the comfort of a nice hot bowl of ramen on a cold winter's day. The only problem with ramen is that it's not super-portable. One company in Japan has figured out a way to solve this problem. If you are picturing some sort of Thermos for soup-on-the-go, sadly, this isn't the solution they came up with. Instead, the company is offering hard candy that tastes like pork ramen.
How the heck did this happen? Nissen, a mail-order company in Japan, teamed up with the Pine Co. candy company to sponsor a contest where customers proposed new candy flavors. Out of the approximately 6,000 contest entries, contest judges selected "tonkatsu ramen" as the winner, apparently because it was "bold and innovative." Maybe future judges should assign a lower rating to "bold" and a higher rating to "appetizing" in evaluating contest entries going forward? Or maybe the judges knew their audience; the initial run of the candy, which is available through Nissen's website for about $3/pack, sold out immediately. One possible explanation for the candy's popularity: the candies look like any other hard candy, so they are ideal for pranking anyone expecting their sweets to be…not gross.

4.Chocolate-Covered Squid


Hey, we love chocolate as much as anyone (probably more). But it does seem like this zeal for dipping everything and anything in chocolate is getting a little out of control. Chocolate-covered liquorice or chocolate-dipped gummy bears wouldn't be among our top choices for chocolate consumption vectors, but they have their enthusiasts. And we'd be tempted to say, "To each his own," but that's how the world ends up with chocolate-covered squid.
Technically, the product, which is offered by Hawaii's Big Island Candies isn't actually squid. Don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet, though. It's actually ika, a local Hawaiian snack of dried, seasoned cuttlefish strips (basically, really stinky squid jerky), which the company's employees painstakingly coat with chocolate. Some candy stores offers windows through which you can watch taffy being pulled or caramel apples being dipped. Big Island Candies offers the chance to watch dried squid go for a chocolate bath. A 3 oz. bag of the stuff will cost you $8.75, plus the inescapable pain of knowing that you voluntary consumed chocolate-covered squid. Proving that some folks will eat anything, the company's owner says the product has been "extremely well-received" and notes "there are times during the year…where we can barely keep it on the shelf." Ugh. We can barely keep this one in our imaginations, let alone in our stomachs.

3.Bubble-Gum Flavored String Cheese


Cheese is pretty delicious as it is. Does cheese really need any more "innovations" to become more appealing? The folks at the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research seem to think so, but if the "fun flavors" they are devising for string cheese are any indication, we don't want any of the monstrosities this lab of horrors is creating!
The first targets for this frankencheese are the young. In an effort to make string cheese more "kid-friendly" (because apparently there's a big group of kids none of us have ever met out there balking at regular ol' string cheese), researchers produced string cheese in a range of revolting-sounding flavors, including green apple, banana, cotton candy, and bubble gum. Additionally, colors were added to the milk to make the cheese "vibrant." Luckily, this revolutionary string cheese doesn't seem to have made it beyond the testing phase…yet (which is why we're unable to track down any actual photographic evidence of it, which is probably by design). One master cheesemaker who has had the opportunity to try the string cheese described it as "quite good," saying that, "It combines 'sweet and salty' which is a very popular combination in snack foods right now." Um. No. We hate to be buzzkills, but if your buzz involves cotton candy string cheese, it probably has it coming. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the world at large never needs to know the horrors of vibrant-colored bubble gum-flavored cheese. Think of the children.

2.Fried Chicken Nail Polish


Yes, this is a thing. No, we can't believe it either. Apparently, seeking to underscore how "finger-lickin' good" the company's fried chicken is, KFC's Hong Kong operation launched nail polish that tastes like KFC fried chicken. Let's all let this one sink in for a minute. Somehow, somewhere, marketing folks out there thought, "Hey, you know what will get people to buy our chicken? Nail polish that tastes like our chicken!" And no one stood up and said "No!" or "Eww!" or even "Maybe let's just try giving out some samples of the chicken first?"
Launching fried-chicken flavored nail polish wasn't just a whimsical spur-of-the-moment thing—it was a serious process. KFC's ad agency, Ogilvy & Mather, worked with the McCormick spice company, which supplies KFC's secret recipe of herbs and spices, to get the polish to taste and smell just right. That's right. Some poor food scientist at McCormick was forced to concoct chicken-flavored nail polish. The formula is made of all-natural ingredients, so you can lick the polish, which is available in "Original" and "Hot and Spicy" flavors, to your heart's content. John Koay, who heads up KFC's Hong Kong marketing, described the impulse behind the campaign, saying, "It made total sense to be at the end of everyone's fingertips." To which we say: Not like this, KFC. NOT. LIKE. THIS.
推出炸鸡味的指甲油可不是一个异想天开、一时冲动的事,这是一个很严肃的过程。肯德基的广告代理商奥美集团,与味可美香料公司,提供肯德基的草药香料秘方)合作,将指甲油的味道和气味调得刚刚好。味可美公司一些可怜的食品科学家被迫调制炸鸡味的指甲油。该配方用的全是天然成分,所以这种指甲油可食用,有原味和香辣两种口味供你选择。肯德基的香港区负责人John Koay说,这个创意是想“让所有感觉流连于指尖”。我们只想说:别这样,肯德基,别,这,样。

1.Doritos Mountain Dew


Since PepsiCo owns a number of food and beverage brands, it was only a matter of time before they started looking at crossover opportunities. And the link between the target audience for Doritos and Mountain Dew is pretty clear—both target young men who are seeking " extreme" (meaning highly artificial and unhealthy) flavor experiences. And if you look carefully at the growing relationship between the two brands, you can see signs of the horrors to come. In 2008, the company offered Doritos Quest, Doritos chips coated with a sweet mystery flavor that was later revealed to be Mountain Dew. And in early 2014, the brands collaborated on a promotion tied into the release of a video game in the Call of Duty series.
But even with these signals, the world still wasn't ready when the company began testing Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew on US college campuses. Because while Mountain Dew-flavored Doritos were unappealing, for some reason, Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew amps up the gross factor to a whole new level. One guinea pig said the soda, "wasn't that disgusting…It tasted like orange with a Doritos aftertaste." With that kind of ringing endorsement, we can see why Pepsi apparently didn't take this combo past the test stage. But don't be lulled into a false sense of security—the risk that soda that tastes like Doritos could one day invade grocery shelves everywhere is a threat as long as these brands remain under the same corporate umbrella.
