日期:2017-04-18 11:20


The towers of the Manhattan skyline swam into view next morning, on 29 September, and Alan entered the New World:
We were practically in New York at 11.00 a.m. on Tuesday but what with going through quarantine and passing the immigration officers we were not off the boat until 5.30 p.m.
我们实际上星期二早上11点就到达纽约了,但还要进行检疫和移民局的检查,所以直到下午5: 30才下船。
Passing the immigration officers involved waiting in a queue for over two hours with screaming children round me.
Then, after getting through the customs I had to go through the ceremony of initiation to the U.S.A., consisting of being swindled by a taxi-driver.
I considered his charge perfectly preposterous, but as I had already been charged more than double English prices for sending my luggage, I thought it was possibly right.
Alan inherited his father's belief that to take a taxi was the height of extravagance.
But America, with its infinite variety, was not all 'like that', and Princeton, where he arrived late that evening on the train had little in common with the 'mass of canaille' of the cheapest Tourist Class.
For if Cambridge embodied class, then Princeton spoke wealth.
Perhaps of all the elite American universities, Princeton was the most self-contained, insulated from the squalor of the depression.
One could look out and never know that America had a problem.
