日期:2017-01-21 07:48


The Hilbert programme was essentially an extension of the work on which he had started in the 1890s.
It did not attempt to answer the question which Frege and Russell had tackled, that of what mathematics really was.
In that respect it was less philosophical, less ambitious.
On the other hand, it was more far-reaching in that it asked profound and difficult questions about the systems such as Russell produced.
In fact Hilbert posed the question as to what were, in principle, the limitations of a scheme such as that of Principia Mathematica.
Was there a way of finding out what could, and what could not, be proved within such a theory?
Hilbert's approach was called the formalist approach, because it treated mathematics as if a game, a matter of form.
The allowable steps of proof were to be considered like the allowable moves in a game of chess, with the axioms as the starting position of the game.
In this analogy, 'playing chess' corresponded to 'doing mathematics', but statements about chess (such as 'two knights cannot force checkmate') would correspond to statements about the scope of mathematics.
And it was with such statements that the Hilbert programme was concerned.
At that 1928 congress, Hilbert made his questions quite precise.
First, was mathematics complete, in the technical sense that every statement (such as 'every integer is the sum of four squares') could either be proved, or disproved.
Second, was mathematics consistent, in the sense that the statement '2 + 2 = 5' could never be arrived at by a sequence of valid steps of proof.
第二,数学是相容的吗?也就是说,用符合逻辑的步骤和顺序,永远不会推出矛盾的命题,比如2+2 = 5。
And thirdly, was mathematics decidable? By this he meant, did there exist a definite method which could, in principle, be applied to any assertion, and which was guaranteed to produce a correct decision as to whether that assertion was true.
In 1928, none of these questions was answered.
But it was Hilbert's opinion that the answer would be 'yes' in each case.
In 1900 Hilbert had declared 'that every definite mathematical problem must necessarily be susceptible of an exact settlement … in mathematics there is no ignorabimus';
and when he retired in 1930 he went further:
In an effort to give an example of an unsolvable problem, the philosopher Comte once said that science would never succeed in ascertaining the secret of the chemical composition of the bodies of the universe.
A few years later this problem was solved.…
The true reason, according to my thinking, why Comte could not find an unsolvable problem lies in the fact that there is no such thing as an unsolvable problem.
It was a view more positive than the Positivists.
But at the very same meeting, a young Czech mathematician, Kurt Gdel, announced results which dealt it a serious blow.
Gdel was able to show that arithmetic must be incomplete: that there existed assertions which could neither be proved nor disproved.
He started with Peano's axioms for the integers, but enlarged through a simple theory of types, so that the system was able to represent sets of integers, sets of sets of integers, and so on.
However, his argument would apply to any formal mathematical system rich enough to include the theory of numbers, and the details of the axioms were not crucial.
