日期:2016-12-23 16:53


We're surrounded by symbols that we seem to instinctively understand but rarely question where they originally came from. Often, the history of common symbols is more convoluted than we might think.

10.Heart Symbol
The heart symbol shape has been found in Cro-Magnon pictograms from the last ice age, but it probably didn't gain its modern meaning until the Middle Ages.
Some contend that it was based on the seedpod of the silphium plant, a North African plant that was a popular form of birth control until it went extinct.
The city-state of Cyrene even minted coins with the image of the seedpod, which closely resembled the heart shape. This may have helped associate the image with sex and love.


Others claim a more divine inspiration, holding the modern heart symbol as descended from the medieval symbol of the Sacred Heart, which represented the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and was often shown covered in wounds.
The Catholic Church teaches that the symbol was revealed in a vision to Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque in the 17th century, where it appeared surrounded by thorns. Historians point out that the symbol was known and used much earlier than the 1600s.
Still others believe that the symbol was based on ill-conceived notions of the human heart, which they saw as an organ with three chambers, a round top, and a pointy bottom. It was believed to hold human passions.
Attempts to draw this notion of the heart may have become widespread in medieval iconography and paintings, only to be later co-opted by the emergence of Valentine's Day in 17th-century England.

9.Dollar Sign
What is almost universally recognized as the dollar sign was actually a sign for the peso.
The domination of ore mining in Central and South America allowed the Spanish peso de ocho to become a truly international currency. It supplanted the older Bohemian thaler coins in popularity, although that coin influenced the development of other Germanic words for heavy silver coins, such as the Slovenian "taler," Dutch daalder, and the English word "dollar."
However, the Spanish peso was what ended up adopted into trade in Europe, the Americas, and the Far East.


Merchants substituted the word "pesos" with the abbreviation "Ps," the letters of which were later written superimposed on top of one another.
By the 1770s, the shorthand form of the old "PS" abbreviation was written as "$," which was then adopted by the new United States to symbolize their currency.
There are a number of other proposed theories about the origin of the dollar sign. Ayn Rand claimed that it was a superimposition of the letters "U" and "S" and was also a symbol for the nation, a free economy, and a free mind.
Others say it was linked to the monogram used by the rich Potosi silver mines, "PTSI." Still others claim it was linked to the Portuguese cifrao symbol, the British shilling, or to the Spanish words for "slave" and "nail."

8.Arrow Symbol
The use of the arrow symbol to denote direction was preceded by the ancient Greek footprint and the medieval pointing finger.
The former can be seen in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, where a footprint and a woman's face carved into the pavement signify the direction to a local brothel.
The extended finger was used in medieval signage and early printed texts, where they were sometimes referred to as printer's fists, pointers, or manicules. These are believed by some to trace back to the 12th century, becoming popular in Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries.


The arrow was not adopted as a form of pictorial instruction until the 18th century, and even then, early arrows retained a visible arrowhead and shaft.
They first appeared in engineering treatises and cartographic maps showing the flow of rivers. The arrows' fletching wasn't lost until the 19th century, when the symbolized arrow began to appear on maps. The stylized arrowhead gave way to more abstract triangles or oblique lines meeting in a point.
By the 20th century, the arrow had became an entirely abstract symbol with its incorporation into logic and math sets.
