日期:2016-11-17 10:57


China’s interested in making sure that they come back, and this isn’t just a sightseeing tour, Brennan said.


They want them to learn something.


Their three-month residency in Utah, near mountains whose peaks were already snow-capped, was one of several signs of the Pac-12’s interest in claiming dominion over the Pacific Rim.


This college football season opened with Cal’s 51-31 victory over Hawaii in Sydney, Australia.


On Friday night in Shanghai, Stanford scored an 80-70 victory over Harvard in men’s basketball


The second game in a series of Pac-12 contests held in China.


Washington beat Texas there last year in the first regular-season game in China, and the series will continue next year, the conference announced Friday, with U.C.L.A. facing Georgia Tech.

去年在上海,华盛顿在中国的第一场常规赛中战胜德克萨斯。太平洋十二校联盟周五宣布,这一系列赛事将持续到明年,加大洛杉矶分校(UCLA)将迎战佐治亚理工(Georgia Tech)。

The games are part of the Pac-12 Globalization Initiative.

这些比赛是太平洋十二校联盟全球化计划(Pac-12 Globalization Initiative)的一部分。

Larry Scott, the Pac-12 commissioner, said that the initiative sprung out of meetings he held with the conference’s presidents in 2009, his first year on the job.

太平洋十二校联盟总干事拉里•斯科特(Larry Scott)表示,该计划起源于2009年,也就是他上任第一年与成员学校的校长举行的一系列会议。

I posited, given the global focus of our universities and given that athletics is meant to act as the front porch, does it make sense for us to pursue international conference athletics activities to help promote the broader agenda the universities have? Scott said.


And there was a resounding yes.


From Washington to Cal to Stanford to Utah and beyond, many Pac-12 members have large numbers of Chinese students, as well as extensive relationships in China.


Scott noted that several Washington officials went along to last year’s Huskies-Longhorns basketball game to further an initiative between the university and Tsinghua University in Beijing.


We are making progress in terms of building the brand and exposure for the Pac-12, Scott added.


That leads to very specific opportunities for our universities.


Nearly 40 percent of the University of Utah’s foreign students are Chinese, and the state’s former governor Jon Huntsman, for whose father the Utes’ basketball arena is named, was the American ambassador to China.

犹他大学近40%的外国留学生是中国人,该州前州长洪博培(Jon Huntsman)曾是美国驻华大使。犹特人队的篮球馆便是以洪博培父亲的名字命名的。

At a ceremony welcoming the coaches to Salt Lake City, Huntsman spoke to them in fluent Mandarin.


We’re interested in recruiting top Chinese students, said Michael L. Hardman, who runs the university’s Office for Global Engagement.

我们有意招收顶尖的中国学生,该校全球事务办公室(Office for Global Engagement)负责人迈克尔•L•哈德曼(Michael L. Hardman)说。

Chris Hill, Utah’s athletic director, said that when the idea for the residencies for Chinese coaches was first raised among Pac-12 members, about four raised their hands.

犹他大学体育主管克里斯•希尔(Chris Hill)表示,第一次在太平洋十二校联盟成员中提出让中国教练来访学的主意时,大约有四个人举手赞成。

I think other people were afraid of the challenge, and your coaches have to be cooperative, Hill said, and I think some of the others felt, ‘Do we need to be the first ones to do this?’



To that end, athletics staff members received cultural training and, in turn, insisted that the visiting coaches abide by certain rules so as not to get in the way of the Utah coaches’ primary jobs — training their teams.


We had to work hard on the front end of education, trying to get them to understand there’s certain things you can’t do because it will hinder our success, Brennan said.


If you’re up there talking while Coach is trying to teach, that’s going to be a problem.


We had some upfront conversations.


During one practice, the coaches were largely silent.


They are very effective, Gu Hong Xia, a woman who coaches a top junior high squad in Nanjing, said through an interpreter, referring to Utah’s coaches and players.


They don’t train for a very long time, but they are very efficient.


Wang Hui, who coaches in Shanxi, said through an interpreter that his time in Utah had made him feel good about his own postpractice rehabilitation practices, which appeared to match Utah’s.


More than any technical expertise, the most valuable lesson he learned, he said, concerned attitude.


The players here are very motivated and want to do good, he said.


The coaches received their own cultural training, in the form of a seminar in China on how to adjust to American mores.


They trained us for four days on American culture, manners, different things — like don’t smoke in the building — and told us to learn as much as we can and bring it back to China, to our players, Sun said.


Fortunately, Sun added, he does not smoke.

