澳大利亚女子晒生产前后对比照 1秒看出母亲多伟大
日期:2016-09-21 16:09


One Australian mother took to Facebook to show off her post-baby body, but it's a before and after photo you may not expect.
"No, this isn't a before and after shot of weight loss. But it is a victory story," blogger Laura Mazza wrote as the caption.
The mother of two posted one "before" photo of herself with flat and toned abs, which she took before having her two children -- Luca, 2, and Sofia, 7 months -- and an after photo, showing off her new body.
The photos have now gone viral, being liked more than 12,000 times.

澳大利亚女子晒生产前后对比照 1秒看出母亲多伟大

"On the right is me now. Stretch marks. A droopy belly button. Thicker, not many bones protruding, but more dimples that represent cellulite," she wrote.
"The scars and stretch marks and jiggly tummy is because I made humans," Mazza continued.
"I ate a little more cake, I drank a little more wine. I made mug cakes at 9 p.m. and snuggled on the couch with my husband. But for some reason, I didn't love this body. It's sad."
Mazza, 30, told ABC News she posted her before and after photos because she's now learning to appreciate her new body and wants other moms too as well.
"This was definitely one of those moments where I wanted to share it with other women so they know they're not alone," she said.
"No one else has your body, only you. It's capable of so much. When you appreciate what you have now, you learn to love yourself more and nurture your body in the right ways," Mazza added.
