日期:2016-08-09 09:07



If your resolution was to start eating a healthier diet and lose weight, you are not alone, more than a third of the British population pledged to do the same, but more than 43% of us are expected to give up on our resolutions by the end of the month, a figure that will jump to 66% by the beginning of next month. So why is it so difficult to stick to our new diets? Well, healthy eatingcan be a real bore, especially if it means cutting out all of our favorite foods and counting the calories of every item we eat, but according to Dr. Baker online doctor and a health physician for prescription doctor, advised we can make big changes to the size of our waistlines by making small changes to our daily diet, and it all starts with some clever food swaps; food swaps to help you lose weight.
1. Swap Crisps and Chocolate Bars for Health Snacks
We live in a fast-paced world, and as such, many of us rely on snacks for energy throughout the day, but crisps and chocolate bars are a big no-no when it comes to healthy eating. Swap these high-calorie sugar laden snacks for berries, unsalted nuts, hummus with vegetable crudité, or a vegetable smoothie - and watch the weight fall off.
2.Swap Sugary Drinks for Water
Water might be boring, but it really is the elixir of life, and it's certainly much better for you than fizzy drinks which contain up to 8 teaspoons of sugar per serving! In general, people who drink sugary drinks find it very difficult to lose weight, even when cutting down on high calorie foods, so this is one swap everyone should make.




3. Swap Mashed Potatoes for Mashed Cauliflower
Whether you love vegetable or hate them, you need to eat at least 5 portions per day if you want to have a waistline to be proud of. One of the easiest was to disguise vegetables is by mashing them, so swap calorie laden potato mash with butter and milk for healthy cauliflower mash instead. It tastes surprisingly good with a splash of skimmed milk and a crack of black pepper, yet it has less than half the calories.
4. Swap Rump Steak for Fillet Steak
Fillet steak may be more expensive than rump and sirloin, but it has much less fat, and by making this simple switch you can save up to 125 calories on your next meal. Making it one of the most effective food swaps to help you lose weight.


