中英双语话中国民风民俗 第49期:中国的马文化
日期:2016-06-16 14:36



China's Horse Culture
With the development of the horse breeding industry,abundant experiences were accumulated throughout the ages. The most famous master was named Bole,and others like him that followed also adopted the name. The word "Bole" became a Chinese idiom. The monograph on distinguishing fine breeds of horses by Bole is the earliest of its kind in the world. Other monographs on the subject also appeared during the Tang Dynasty.
Horses is China are mainly distributed in the northern regions,including the vast area of Xinjiang and Qinghai in the west of Lanzhou,Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and the northern part of North China,the mountainous regions in Sichuan Province, Yunnan and Guizhou Plateau. The number of horses in Northeast, Northwest and North China accounts for three-fourths of the country's total.

  • mountainousadj. 多山的,如山一般的
  • plateaun. 高原;平稳;稳定状态 vi. 到达平稳阶段
  • vastadj. 巨大的,广阔的 n. 浩瀚的太空
  • abundantadj. 丰富的,充裕的