日期:2015-10-15 16:34


5.Novelty Food
While novelty foods are something you can find in dedicated candy shops, they're not particularly popular amongst Americans and Europeans. Most people usually buy them as a joke for family and friends.


But Japan has built up an obsession with novelty food, making it a huge industry. It's difficult to explain how this phenomenon came about, but many brands will put out far ranging alternatives for people to try. Kit Kat, for example, has hundreds of different varieties of their standard chocolate bar, leading to the brand becoming incredibly popular. Flavors include soy sauce, royal tea, corn and strawberry cheesecake. It is not just candy — fast food places and fancy restaurants all offer a variety of themed or limited edition food that they introduce on a regular basis. From watermelon-flavored soda to pumpkin burgers, the list goes on and on.
但日本很痴迷精巧食品,并已形成庞大产业。很难解释这种现象是如何形成的,但很多品牌都将会为顾客提供广泛的选择。比如说雀巢Kit Kat就拥有上百种不同种类规格的威化饼,从而使得这一牌子变得十分受欢迎,有奶油、红茶、玉米、草莓芝士等口味。不仅仅是糖果,在快餐店和漂亮的餐厅里,都会提供各类主题或限量餐点并定期进行介绍,从西瓜味苏打水到南瓜馅饼,绝不重样儿!

4.Capsule Hotels


Have you ever wanted a place to sleep while traveling but don't have need for all the facilities that come with a traditional hotel? If you're not going to use them then it can seem like a waste of money.
Japan has come up with an answer for those seeking just a bed for the night. Capsule hotels are exactly what they sound like — rooms big enough to fit just a bed and perhaps a small mounted television. The capsules are stacked two high like lockers, often feature Wi-Fi and only cost around $15 to $30 a night. Vending machines, snack bars and washrooms are all shared public amenities to save space. This allows hotels to have up to 700 capsules in only a small area. Most of these facilities only cater for men, although a select few do offer separate floors for women.

3.Christmas Eve KFC Tradition


Most countries in the West have their own Christmas traditions because they're predominantly Christian nations. In Japan only around 1% of the population is Christian, yet they have one of the most dedicated and bizarre Christmas tradition in the world.
Every year on Christmas Eve, KFC becomes the prime place to be. People will wait in line for up to two hours to get their hands on some fried chicken, cake and champagne from the Colonel. Some even book their meals months in advance in order to avoid having to wait in line. It all started in 1974 thanks to an advertising campaign inspired by the fact that tourists who couldn't get hold of turkey for Christmas dinner instead went for fried chicken. The huge popularity is believed to have come about because of the positive American connotations with the fast food restaurant, and the fact that there are no religious messages associated with the campaign.

2.Cosmetic Surgery For Teeth


Around the world, having teeth that aren't perfectly straight is often seen as a sign of imperfection. Children are encouraged to have braces fit to fix misaligned teeth. However, over the last couple of years in Japan a new craze has been growing where people do the exact opposite. Many women and girls are having cosmetic surgery done to their teeth in order to make them deliberately imperfect.
The procedure involves capping the canine teeth so that they appear to be more fang-like than normal. It's something that occurs naturally when the molars crowd the teeth, pushing the canines outwards. The style supposedly looks youthful but has been helped greatly by celebrities and pop stars having the procedure. It can cost around $400 to have the teeth altered, and dental clinics also offer temporary versions that patients can remove later.



Tipping is a common practice in North America, although it can sometimes be a controversial subject, especially over who should be tipped and how much they should get. In Europe there are far fewer times when it's appropriate to tip, but tipping in some form is seen in most parts of the world.
In Japan though, tipping is almost non-existent. Waiters, hotel workers, taxi drivers and others do not expect to be tipped at all. In fact, many will consider it rude for you to attempt to give them extra cash. There have even been reports of workers chasing after tourists who have left tips to return their money. Some tourism businesses will accept tips, but most companies and businesses in Japan will not expect anyone to offer them money for good service, as they believe that should be part of the price you're paying.
而在日本,小费基本上是没有的,侍者、酒店员工、出租车司机还有其他本应支付小费的人,都没有。实际上,很多人还会认为你要给小费的这种行为是十分无礼的, 甚至有报道说收银员在消费者留下消费后令其收回。虽说一些旅游行业会收取小费,但大部分日本的企业和行业绝不会由于良好服务而获得钱财,因为他们一切已经包含在你已支付的费用里了。

编辑:青卉 来源:前十网

  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • alteredv. 改变(alter的过去分词) adj. 改变了的;
  • imperfectionn. 不完全,不完备,缺点
  • cornn. 谷物,小麦,玉米 v. 形成(颗粒状),腌,(用谷
  • popularityn. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎
  • rudeadj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj. 粗糙的,粗野的
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • brandn. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记 vt. 打烙印,铭刻,加污