日期:2013-07-15 14:16




Michelle Obama is a huge fan of the full-skirted silhouette, and she wears it in everything from dresses (like the green print dress, pictured) to separates. The First Lady favors a very flattering length for her height -- just below the knee -- and it looks fantastic on her. Fuller skirts look best when worn with a hem that ends at a slimmer part of your let (right above or below the knee.)



Designer Rachel Roy's pleated full skirt is too long for her slim figure so it overwhelms her (it doesn't help that she is wearing it in a contrasting bright either.) A better option would be to wear the full skirt in a figure-flattering length like right below the knee instead of frumpy mid-calf.
设计师Rachel Roy的褶边长裙对她来说有点太长了,尽管她穿了对比明显的衣服搭配,但是裙子看起来还是长了H&mw%sJOvB)-%@q+8u。更好的选择是穿刚刚没过膝盖的长裙23.7C;|SQCfEn5fA6v



Petite frames, like Sarah Jessica Parker, can pull of the full skirt silhouette. But it works best in sophisticated styles like this soft goddess-look dress. Avoid anything too short or little girly (especially over 40) on smaller women or you'll ridiculous.
像Sarah Jessica Parker这样较小身段的女人能穿长裙P%6KRZI7ZA4m_uj。但是要选择样式复杂的女神般的裙子(0Ltl;^lY|!。不要穿太短或者太女孩子气的裙子,这样看起来很可笑0d]0VdP#XR0



Short, ruffled, full skirts are entirely too little girlish for women. Teens and little girls? They look cute in a ruffled full skirt. Kim Kardashian? Not so much.
短的褶边裙太女孩子气了,不适合女人穿-|kVuOT]APOydCp%W。少女穿起来可爱极了,但是穿在Kim Kardashian身上就不怎么样了)DyI7f)SyuX3JTKOFQ



Curvy Miranda Lambert looks cute in her full-skirted dress (although the dress could be about an inch longer and look better.) The fit-n-flare silhouette of the full-skirted dress creates a super sexy hourglass shape.
Curvy Miranda Lambert穿着这件裙子可爱极了,当然裙子要是能在稍微长一点就更好看了;]=wOD0UBp586Tt[。这件沙漏形状的长裙看起来性感极了q^cK-2R7Iuk(UKkB0(



Even if you are young a trendy, like Whitney Port, the tutu is still too little girlish to pull off in a full skirt.
即使你是一个跟Whitney Port一样的潮女,芭蕾舞裙也显得太女孩子气了,~;K1%hxwVJ



While tutus and ruffled full skirts are too little girly, the puff full skirt is retro '80s (in a good way!) Blake Lively rocks the full puff skirt and shows why it's a style worth bringing back.
尽管芭蕾舞裙和褶边裙看起来太女孩子气了,但是蓬蓬裙则是很好的复古裙vT0Au*3-!x.Fz]J。Blake Lively穿上这件蓬蓬裙好看极了,蓬蓬裙应该重新流行起来*hl0]f2_,CKbQMv



The last thing you want to do (especially after 35) is make the full skirt look frumpy by adding old-fashioned elements like dated-looking florals (like Ashley Judd is wearing) or seen-their-better-days elements like a ruffled hem.



After 40, the best full skirts have a ladylike quality like Kristin Davis' look. Her bare legs and fun print give the fit-n-flare silhouette a fun, casual-elegant vibe.
四十岁过后,最好的选择是穿一件像Kristin Davis身上这样的裙子X%E#T^m2OvQ=bT)=er。双腿和有趣的图案给人一种休闲优雅的感觉pl*r]vcl^zwR

  • ridiculousadj. 荒谬的,可笑的
  • sophisticatedadj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • designern. 设计者
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • lively活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,真实的
  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • flatteringadj. 奉承的;谄媚的
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的