日期:2013-06-07 17:05



As technology improves, plastic surgery is getting cheaper, safer, and more popular around the world.
Nowhere is it catching on faster than in South Korea, where one in five women in Seoul have had some type of procedure, according to a 2009 survey by Trend Monitor.
但没有地方赶得上韩国,在首尔五分之一的女性做过某种类型的整形手术,根据Trend Monitor在2009年的一项调查7w5bJfB-Vtx*nXL[
It has become so common in South Korea that most of the stigma regarding surgery has dropped away, and celebrities and beauty queens openly discuss treatment.


Everyone in Korea wants the same look: Light skin, tiny nose, wide eyes with double lids, and a small face with a V-shaped chin.


Koreans get plastic surgery to achieve this idealized look more than any other nation. It's estimated that one in five women in Seoul has had some type of plastic surgery.


Even the 2012 Miss Korea was revealed to have received plastic surgery. Critics claimed that it was an unfair advantage, while Yu-Mi countered, "I never said I was born beautiful." She kept her crown.

Plastic surgery has become so normalized that everyone talks about it. Instead of where did you get your designer handbag, people might ask you where you got your chin or your nose.

Girl groups like T-ara readily admit to what procedures they've had done.


Kim Tae-Hee, who is thought to have had work done, is one of the most requested faces at plastic surgery offices. She also holds several major product endorsements.

One of the most popular reality TV shows is "Let Me In," on which contestants share sob stories of being bullied and picked on before a team of experts "fixes" them. At the end of the show, they parade down a runway to unveil the new look to a live audience.

Eyelid surgery to create a double lid and nose jobs to lengthen and thin the nose are the most popular surgeries. These procedures are so common, they're called "the basics."

They may seem to conform to Western standards of beauty, but surgeons and patients deny this claim. "There's a difference between western double eyelids and Korean double eyelids," explains the popular Korean Plastic Surgery Tumblr.
他们似乎符合西方的审美观,但外科医生和病人否认这一说法x5EMWI#8B4ZhF~OWib。“西方双眼皮和韩国的双眼皮是有区别的,” 韩国大热的整形手术医生Tumblr解释道)U(QW6i^arO!U9^)wB,3

Plastic surgery has become so popular that it's not uncommon for Korean high school girls to go under the knife. In fact, it's believed that the earlier you do it, the more "natural" it looks as you grow into your features.

Some parents even encourage their children to get plastic surgery. "Everyone is getting prettier and prettier and some parents don't want their child to be the 'ugly' one," one Korean woman told VICE last year. Getting your eyes done might even be a graduation present.


The Miss Korea 2013 contestants were mocked in the media for looking so similar — with suggestions that some had had plastic surgery.

Of course all plastic surgery comes with risks, including permanent facial numbness or even paralysis. But to many women, that's just the price they pay to look beautiful.

It's widely accepted in Korea that gorgeous women will do better in life: They'll find a husband, get the job they desire, and have people treat them better.

South Korean men are also targeted by clinics, with ads saying they will find a wife and get hired if they look more handsome. Due to an increase in popularity, there are now male-only clinics like Man & Nature in Gangnam.
韩国男人也是诊所的目标,广告说如果他们看起来更英俊他们将会找到妻子并得到工作Vpyb+8tR^!5To~K~f。由于越发受欢迎,现在江南区有Man & Nature这样专门的男性诊所Wp6]AfYkl7j5^b)qI

Korea has gained a reputation as a plastic surgery mecca, where South Korean doctors are all highly trained and have access to the latest technology. There's even a law that allows other doctors to switch into the plastic surgery field.

Plastic surgery is so lucrative that Southern Seoul has a "beauty belt" where clinics are all clustered around subway stations in upscale districts such as Gangnam.

The booming market has made procedures more affordable for consumers than ever. "An average — not excellent — face-lift in the United States will set you back about US$10,000," a Korean surgeon told CNN. "But in Korea you can get the same service for US$2,000 or US$3,000."

  • stigman. 耻辱,污名 n. 柱头
  • affordableadj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • surgeonn. 外科医生
  • numbnessn. 麻木;麻痹
  • trendn. 趋势,倾向,方位 vi. 倾向,转向
  • proceduren. 程序,手续,步骤; 常规的做法
  • surveyv. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视 n. 调查,纵
  • reputationn. 声誉,好名声