日期:2010-06-09 10:56


南非vs. 墨西哥

Even the most intrepid World Cup fan will struggle to watch all 48 first-round matches. If you're really pressed, you could trim the list of must-see contests substantially. In fact, we'll help you. Here are 10 in the first round that you absolutely shouldn't miss:


1. South Africa vs. Mexico, June 11, 10 a.m. -- World Cup openers once tended to be rather cautious and stodgy affairs. But Germany immediately lit up the 2006 tournament by pushing four past Costa Rica. Before that, Senegal popped the top on World Cup 2002 with a stunning upset over title-holding France, which nailed the post twice but could never find a way through. Can South Africa draw upon the energy of a frenzied nation to upend Mexico? Brazilian manager Carlos Alberto Parreira has supplied some needed discipline and direction for Bafana Bafana. And given Mexico's constant craving for attack and its wobbly goalkeeping, this year's big opener has potential to be a real cooker.

1. 南非vs. 墨西哥,6月11日上午10时 世界杯的揭幕战向来如此,几乎成了定势。比赛双方缩手缩脚,畏首畏尾,场面压抑,气氛郁闷。然而,2006年的揭幕之战情形则截然不同,战火刚刚燃起,德国便开始了入球大战,4球之下,哥斯达黎加应声落马。而在此之前的2002年世界杯揭幕大战之上,塞内加尔竟在太岁头上动土,硬生生让卫冕冠军法国在自己的膝下称臣。时运不挤的法国队,两球撞柱,难破城门,让塞队出尽风头。本届的南非首战,东道主会不会一发激情澎湃的民族狂野之猛,将墨西哥掀翻在地?他们的巴西主帅卡洛斯·阿尔贝托·佩雷拉早已在为这支被作“小伙子”(Bafana Bafana)的南非队,整肃军纪,号令三军了。只要他们的锋线能在墨西哥的防区内狂轰滥炸,战火不息,对方的门将就会胆颤心惊,忙中出错。说不定今年的揭幕之战,还真是一席饕餮大餐。


2. United States vs. England, June 12, 2:30 p.m. -- Excitement in America began building over this one the very second these teams were drawn into Group C back in December. Domestic soccer will always have England in its blood, not just for the countries' rich political ties but for the UK's role in shaping the American game. In many areas of the United States, the pioneers and early teachers of soccer were English exports. On the field, we'll see which version of England shows: a tough and talented side of restored discipline that romped and stomped in qualifying? Or the shrunken, oddly lifeless and disjointed side we've seen in recent friendlies?

2.美国vs.英格兰,6月12日下午2:30 美国热血沸腾的时刻可回顾到12月抽签时的那一刻,他们被抽到了C组,喜悦之情由感而发,向上升腾。美国的足球,在其血脉当中,无不流淌着英格兰人的鲜血,他们不仅在政治上有着千丝万缕,割舍不断的联系,就是连这样一种体育游戏,也离不开英国人的身影,也离不开英国人的打造。美国不少的球队,他们的先驱和导师就是来自英国。在本次南非的赛场之上,我们将会看到哪一个英格兰版本的足球在非洲大陆上登台亮相:是一支能像在资格赛上那样能征善战,人才济济,作风硬朗,纪律严明的威武之师?还是一支就像最近友谊赛上所表现出的那样一支,意气消沉,一撅不振,作风懒散,毫无斗志的弱旅?

阿根廷vs. 尼日利亚

3. Argentina vs. Nigeria, June 12, 10 a.m. -- Manager Diego Maradona, once the greatest soccer player on Earth, has been reduced to something of a cartoonish figure. And his team, talk about unpredictable! Argentina does have a lovely roster balance of workers and artists, including the world's top player. But even Leo Messi may not have enough magic in those inimitable fleet feet to overcome a certain Maradona-created instability. Then again, African teams have a bit of that unsteadiness in them, too. So this one could go anywhere.

3. 阿根廷vs. 尼日利亚,6月12日上午10时 主帅马拉多纳,一位曾经是这个星球上最大的球员,他的形象已在不断地下降,已沦为一个卡通式的人物。这样一支球队,谈论的内容不可预测!阿根廷人的队伍当中,有一大批精通球艺的能工巧匠和艺术大师,其中就包括世界上名字最为响亮的顶尖高手。然而,即使梅西的存在,再有千般魔法,万般球艺,也难改马拉多纳一手所缔造的不稳态势。再说,非洲球队也有一点不稳状态,夹杂其中。因而,这样的球队到底还能走多远。

巴西vs. 朝鲜

4. Brazil vs. North Korea, June 15, 2:30 p.m. -- Under coach Dunga, Brazilian soccer is more bump and brawn, less Joga Bonito. But that doesn't mean the five-time champion isn't blessed with fine players. It starts with the phenomenal center-back pairing, Luicio and Juan. Yes, the bid to reclaim World Cup glory starts in defense for the Selecao. North Korea? Who knows? But the tournament's mystery guests don't appear to have enough protective armor -- not for facing global soccer's aristocrats, anyway. If Brazil is going to toy with a side, it will be this one. So catch this one from Johannesburg for the potential train wreck factor, if nothing else.

4. 巴西vs. 朝鲜,6月15日下午2:30 邓加帐下的巴西足球更为朴实无华,注中实效,所谓 “美丽足球”影子,更少了一点。然而,这并一意味着五次夺冠的队伍因此就缺少精兵强将。首发上阵的中后搭配卢西奥和胡安就是神来之笔。不错,巴西如若想棒起大力神杯荣归故里,首先要做的就是巩固自己的后防不出纰漏。朝鲜吗?谁知道呢?不过本届杯赛上的这支神秘之旅,要想啃下如此坚硬无比的硬骨头,看样子还没有长出一副象样的好牙口——需知他们要碰面的是怎样的豪门贵族,无论如何牙好,胃口才好。只要巴西愿意,想把它当什么玩具耍,就当什么耍。所以,要擒这样一支弱旅,除非阴沟翻船,否则,别的什么事都没有。(注:“Joga Bonito”,意为“美丽足球”。它出自球王贝利之口,所体现出的并不是专为竞技项目、 只追求比赛结果的足球,而是最原始的足球含义。Selecao: 巴西队, 桑巴军团)

西班牙vs. 瑞士

5. Spain vs. Switzerland, June 16, 10 a.m. -- Once again, Spain dreams of World Cup greatness. Only this time, the dreamy hopes have some realistic foundation -- so you'll want to see the co-favorites at some point in the opening round. Thanks to the dazzling midfield axis of Andres Iniesta and Xavi, Spain may emerge from group play with all nine possible points. None of the Group H encounters looks like more than a speed bump for this wealth of talent. On the other hand, Switzerland is fairly well organized and, like every other Group H side, will look to make things hard on Spain and aim for a draw. Spain's first-round finale with Chile may appear on the surface to be the better match. But if Vincent del Bosque's side has six points in its pocket, the coach will probably rest some starters in that one.

5. 西班牙vs. 瑞士,6月16日上午10时 曾几何时,西班牙也想成就世界杯王者的梦想。也只有在此时此刻,梦想成真的希望才有了现实的保障——所以,你就会想在首轮比赛的某个场次上,亲眼目睹一番两个热门之间的对冲撞击。由于西班牙的中场伊涅斯塔和哈维,他们神出鬼没,出神入化班的表现有可能将西班牙送出小组,挤进第二轮,总得分可能为九分。在H组当中,可能再也找不到还有哪支队伍能像他们这样,聚集着这般闪亮之星。与此相反,瑞士的组织则颇具章法,但同H组的其它球队一样,要想与西班牙相互抗衡,一争高下,可以难点,他们的目标是能够与对方逼平,双方握手言和即可。西班牙第一轮与智利的压轴之战可能从场面上看,是会是一场好看的比赛。但是,如果博斯克的队伍如果已有6分在手,那么这位主帅很可能会在开场的比赛中,为以后的场次留有伏笔。

法国vs. 墨西哥

6. France vs. Mexico, June 17, 2:30 p.m. -- History may see France as a dubious World Cup participant, given Thierry Henry's naughty handball and an unconvincing overall qualifying campaign. Still, there's something to like about this squad, thanks to talented attackers like Franck Ribery, Florent Malouda, potential super-sub Henry and others. Mexico has never advanced past the second round in a World Cup played outside its own borders. Still, there's something to like about this squad thanks to sassy young attackers like Giovani Dos Santos, Carlos Vela and new Manchester United signee Javier Hernandez. Given the tournament history of host nations advancing out of the first round, South Africa could find a way through, which means the second spot from Group A could well come down to this one.

6. 法国vs. 墨西哥,6月17日下午2:30 法国晋级世界杯,连历史都会对自己的眼睛产生怀疑,亨利的 “大帝之手”滑稽可笑,如此之役竟助球队晋级世界杯决赛圈,难以服众。不过,如果说起这支队伍还有什么值得向大家做交代的话,那就是他们毕竟还拥有像里贝里,马卢达这样的锋线上天才,以及潜在的超级替补的亨利和其他人等。墨西哥好像在国界之外世界杯上,就从来没有挤进过第二轮的比赛。不过,对这支队伍还有什么要说的话,就是他们还拥有年青气盛的小将,如多斯桑托斯,卡洛斯维拉和与曼联新签的埃尔南德斯。考虑到世界杯赛有这样一种历史传统,即东道主皆有从第一轮中胜出的规律,南非也会一样,这就是说,在进入杯赛的第二轮中,下一个对手就是从A组一跃而出的南非。

美国vs. 阿尔及利亚

7. United States vs. Algeria, June 23, 10 a.m. -- This will be the first-round closer for Bob Bradley's team. Only the red-white-and-bluest of American fans would dare think their boys will have second-round passage secured by this point. Chances are, they'll need a result against the North Africans in Pretoria. Algeria can be a bit erratic, but there is surely talent there. Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey and Tim Howard, assuming they come through the first two U.S. matches unscathed, will need to carry the day. Get your foam fingers up!

7. 美国vs. 阿尔及利亚,6月23日上午10时 这将是主帅鲍勃·布拉德利第一轮最愿意与之交锋的一支队伍。只有那些美国本土的球迷才会大胆地设想,他们的球队会有把握在这支球队身上获得积分,从而小组出线。机会是有的,但他们还得看比勒陀利亚的结果如何。阿尔及利亚虽然看上去飘忽不定,毫不起眼,但这支队伍当中,人才肯定还是有的。假如美国的头两场比赛都能毫发无损地顺利过关,兰登·多诺万,克林特·邓普西还有蒂姆·霍华德都急切希望胜利的到手。但愿他们的希望不要破灭!

加纳vs. 德国

8. Ghana vs. Germany, June 23, 2:30 p.m. -- Among the most evocative aspects of any World Cup is the contrast in styles -- although it can sometimes be overstated in the modern game, where soccer cultures frequently intermingle. But this one does offer some contrast. Michael Ballack's absence could see the German's drift back to the old ways: grinding out results through efficiency and sheer will. The Ghanaians are fairly well organized by freewheeling African standards, but they'll still challenge Germany with an energetic side, a mix of young talent and returning players who impressed four years ago. Ghana's loss of indomitable midfielder Michael Essien, however, will dent the Africans' chances.

8. 加纳vs. 德国,6月23日下午2:30 世界杯上最令人激情四溢,情至极致的话题是风格的对比——尽管有的风格在现代的比赛场上,有时被夸大地有点过了头,而足球文化则常常会将他们彼此融合在一起。但这次要拿出来做个对比。巴拉克因伤无缘世界杯,德国的作战风格又回归到从前的路数上去了:依靠高效的转移和纯粹的意志来磨出取胜的战机。加纳的组织相当不错,遵从的是非洲随心所欲的风格,但他们要挑战的德国依旧充满活力,他们中不仅有年青的战将,还有四年前给人留下印象深刻的回归球员。加纳在失去了锐不可挡的中场埃辛之后,便有一种力不从心之感。

荷兰vs. 喀麦隆

9. Netherlands vs. Cameroon, June 24, 2:30 p.m. -- The Dutch have a tendency to hit a sweet spot about this time in major tournaments. It's usually around the second or third match -- after the initial draw borne of overconfidence and before the inevitable collapse borne of internal bickering (or hot-headed lunacy as we saw four years ago in the Portuguese-Dutch back-alley brawl). But in between, they can be simply amazing. And if you've seen some of Robin van Persie's recent strikes, you know why hopes are rising among the side's substantial worldwide support.

9. 荷兰vs. 喀麦隆,6月24日下午2:30 荷兰队有一种痼疾,遇到重大比赛立马想胜开得胜,马到成功。通常是在比赛进行到第二或第三场时——比赛开始后斗志昂扬过于自信,比赛结束前便内部争吵不攻自破(或称之为头脑发热的疯子行径,正如我们四年前在世界杯所看到的情形那样,葡萄牙-荷兰之战演化成一场市井之徒恶斗的闹剧)。然而两队之间,场上的厮杀状态又何其惊人。如果你看过罗宾·范·佩西最近的进攻表演,你就不难知道,为何该队在世界范围之内支持率何等空前。

巴西vs. 葡萄牙

10. Brazil vs. Portugal, June 25, 10 a.m. -- It looked like Brazil-Ivory Coast would be the marquee match of this bunch, but a devastating injury to irrepressible striker Didier Drogba may strip some sheen off that one. Rather, the group may be decided by the Portuguese-speaking nations. Both teams will be keen to finish first in the group, for a likely second-round matchup with Spain awaits the Group G runner-up. And even mighty Brazil might want to sidestep that one.

10. 巴西vs. 葡萄牙,6月25日上午10时 这场比赛似乎是我们要看的比赛当中相当有看头的比赛,但由于伤力极大的锋线人物德罗巴,所受伤病惨重,多少给人带来一些遗憾。然而,该组的主动权也许正掌握在说葡语的那些国家手中。两队均渴望以小组第一的身份出线,因为在第二轮的比赛中,都希望与G组的第二西班牙会面,而连实力强大的巴西,也对小组第一的强手,唯恐避之不及。

  • dubiousadj. 怀疑的,可疑的
  • collapsen. 崩溃,倒塌,暴跌 v. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解,折叠
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • inimitableadj. 无法仿效的,不可比拟的
  • axisn. 轴,中枢
  • keenadj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • trimn. 整齐,装饰,修剪下来的部分 adj. 整洁的,匀称
  • evocativeadj. 唤出的,唤起的
  • tournamentn. 比赛,锦标赛,(中世纪的)骑士比武