日期:2009-09-16 09:42


Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs


like meatballs, for instance. Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 3D isn't even released until September 18 and we are terrified already. Watch them fall - in three horrifying dimensions


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


  Chocolates are tempting, but therein lies their danger. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory contains sweets a-plenty, but these are just booby-traps for greedy children to stumble upon. Avoid chocolates

  《巧克力梦工厂》里,我们知道尽管巧克力很是诱人,然而巧克力也很危险哦。Willy Wonka和巧克力工厂都是甜蜜蜜的,不过也是贪嘴猴儿的甜蜜陷阱。小心巧克力哦!

Cheaper By the Dozen


  But if apples are out, what's safe to eat? An egg looks reassuring enough - unless, of course, it is scrambled and primed to explode, scalding the ensemble cast of Cheaper By the Dozen (although those who've seen the film might argue they deserved it)

  如果苹果都不能吃了,那什么东西是安全可食用的?鸡蛋应该没什么问题吧,当然,除非,鸡蛋会爆炸~~ 还烫伤了《儿女一箩筐》的演员们(或许看过这部电影的人觉得他们活该)。

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


  Don't eat the apple! Eve did, and we've been living with the consequences ever since. But they are just so damn tempting - particularly when offered by a kindly old lady, like this one in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目
  • reassuringadj. 可靠的;安心的;鼓气的 v. 使放心(reas
  • deservedadj. 应得的;理所当然的 v. 值得;应得;应受报答
  • ensemblen. 全体,剧团,联合演出人员,合奏曲,系综
  • stumblen. 绊倒,失策 vi. 绊倒,失策,踌躇,无意中发现
  • explodevt. 爆炸,驳倒 vi. 爆炸,爆发(感情),激增 [
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避