日期:2008-05-12 19:08


斐济群岛 Fiji Islands

Photograph by Tim Laman
In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. The sea cucumber provides food for the crustaceans in the form of mucus on its skin and defends itself by ejecting its toxic stomach when danger threatens
锤头鲨 Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas

Photograph by Brian SkerrY
Primordial in appearance, great hammerheads, like this one near the Bahamas, are actually among evolution’s most advanced sharks. Wide-set eyes and nostrils provide keen peripheral senses, and tiny electroreceptors on its snout help it pinpoint prey. Dozens of serrated teeth do the rest.
螳螂 Stick Mantid, Cameroon

Photograph by Mark Moffett
Most of the roughly 1,800 species of mantids-often called praying mantises-spend their time sitting and waiting, seemingly at prayer. These highly skilled hunters and masters of disguise have fascinated humans for thousands of years; the ancient Greeks first used the term mantis, meaning “prophet.”
北极狐 Arctic Fox, Hudson Bay, Canada

Photograph by Norbert Rosing
A stealthy arctic fox steals across a snow-patched ridge in Canada’s Hudson Bay. Not much larger than a big housecat, these seemingly delicate northern mammals are as hearty as they come, thriving in the privation and bitter cold of the Arctic north.

  • disguisen. 假面目,伪装物,假装 vt. 假装,假扮,掩饰
  • ridgen. 脊,山脊,山脉
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • crabn. 蟹 v. 捕蟹,使横行 n. 爱争吵的人 n. [
  • delicaten. 精美的东西 adj. 精美的,微妙的,美味的,纤细
  • prayern. 祈祷,祷告,祷文 v. 祷告,祷文
  • thrivingadj. 旺盛的;蒸蒸日上的;繁荣的 v. 兴旺(thr
  • serratedadj. 锯齿状的,有锯齿的 动词serrate的过去式
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • sharkn. 鲨鱼 n. 贪婪的人,放高利贷的人,老手 v. 诈