日期:2008-03-24 00:32


Enzo Ferrari was born on February 18, 1898 near Modena, Italy. When he was 10 his father took him to an automobile race in Bologna. After attending a number of other races, he decided he wanted to become a racing car driver.

恩佐·法拉利诞生于1898年2月18日,意大利Modena城市附近. 10时父亲就带他去看博洛尼亚的汽车赛. 在目睹了一些其他的赛事后,他暗下决心要成为赛车手.

While working at a small carmaker involved with converting war surplus, Ferrari took up racing. In 1919 he finished ninth at the Targa Florio. He ended up landing a job with Alfa Romeo and drove a modified production car in the 1920 Targa Florio. Ferrario managed to finish second.

当时他还在一家小型的提供作战剩余物资的汽车厂工作,法拉利开始他的赛车. 1919年他在艾曼诺比赛中取得了第九名. 他结束了以前的工作,1920年的艾曼诺比赛中驾驶着一辆改装过的汽车,并取得了第二的成绩.

In 1940 Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo and started a new company Auto-Avio Costruzioni Ferrari. During World War II the Ferrari workshop moved from Modena to Maranello. The workshop became a victim of the war in 1944 - it was leveled by bombs. A year after the war in 1946 the shop was rebuilt and work began on the first ever Ferrari motorcar, the 125 Sport. This car started a grand tradition of winning for Ferrari. Since it's first race in 1947, Ferrari's have had over 5,000 successes on race tracks around the globe.

1940年法拉利离开意大利罗密欧公司并开创了一家新的法拉利汽车公司。二战时,法拉利将工厂从Modena搬迁到了Maranello. 1944年工厂成为了战争的牺牲品被炸毁. 一年后,在1946年战争中工厂重建并首次制造了第一辆法拉利汽车125运动型,开创了法拉利汽车的主要传统风格。在1947年环绕地球跑道的比赛中,法拉利驾驶这一汽车并取得了成功。


In 1969 Enzo Ferrari sold 50% of Ferrari's share capital to the Fiat group. That figure grew to 90% in 1988. Enzo Ferrari died at the age of 90 in Modena on August 14, 1988.

1969年法拉利将50%的股份销售给菲亚特汽车公司. 1988年增长到90%. 1988年8月14日,法拉利逝于Modena 城,享年90岁.


  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • victimn. 受害者,牺牲
  • tracksn. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎
  • surplusadj. 多余的,过剩的 n. 过剩,剩余物,盈余
  • fiatn. 由(政府)授权而具有特别意义的,如fiat-mon