新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List16:Unit8
日期:2015-08-29 14:35


【考法 1】 adj. 航海的: of, relating to, or characteristic of ships, shipping, sailors, or navigation on a body of water
【例】 nautical mile 海里
【近】 marine, maritime, navigational
【反】 aeronautic 航空的;astronautic 航天的
【考法 1】 vt. 拒绝,否认: to oppose, deny, or take a pessimistic or negative view of
【近】 decline, deny, deject, disallow, gainsay, oppose, refuse, reject
【反】 accede, agree, concur, consent 同意
【派】 naysayer n. 反对者
【考法 1】 adj. 模糊的: indistinct, vague
【例】 a nebulous description of the topic 对于主题的模糊描述
【近】 ambiguous, arcane, equivocal, hazy, indistinct, muddy, murky, obscure, occult, vague
【反】 distinct 明显的;clear, definite, unambiguous, unequivocal 明确的
【派】 nebula n. 星云
【考法 1】adj. 贫困的:being in need; impoverished, poor
【例】As a child, she was extremely needy and had no self-confidence. 她是一个非常贫穷的小孩,因此缺乏自信
【近】destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, penurious, poor, threadbare
【反】affluent, opulent, wealthy 富有的
【考法 1】 adj. 极坏的,邪恶的: flagrantly wicked or impious
【例】 a nefarious scheme to assassinate the archbishop 企图刺杀大主教的邪恶阴谋
【近】 atrocious, degenerate, devious, evil, heinous, infamous, miscreant, vicious, villainous, wicked
【反】 ethical, righteous, upright, virtuous 品德高尚的;beneficial 有益的;exemplary 模范的
【考法 1】 n. 否定: the opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive, or affirmative
【例】 issued specific negations of all of the charges against her 发表了明确的声明,否定了所有对她的指控
【近】 contradiction, denegation, denial, gainsaying, rejection, repudiation
【反】 acknowledgement, affirmation, avowal 肯定,同意
【派】 negative adj. 否定的;负面的
【考法 1】 adj. 疏忽大意的: failing to give proper attention or care
【例】 negligent in taking care of the children 粗心大意地照顾孩子
【近】 careless, derelict, heedless, neglectful, remiss
【反】 attentive, careful, cautious, heedful 专心的,谨慎的
【派】 negligence n. 疏忽
【考法 1】 vi. 商量,谈判: to arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement
【例】 negotiate the term of truce 共商停战事宜
【近】 arrange, bargain, concert, settle
【反】 break down (谈判等)失败,破产
【考法 2】 vi. 谋划: plan out usually with subtle skill or care
【例】 The prisoners negotiated their escape by using Morse code to tap messages to each other through the
walls. 犯人们通过敲击墙壁来传达莫尔斯电码,从而密谋了他们的逃跑计划
【近】 contrive, finesse, frame, machinate, maneuver, manipulate, mastermind, wangle
【派】 negotiable adj. 可商量的;negotiation n. 谈判
【考法 1】 n. 初学者,新手: a beginner or novice
【例】 a novice in the theater who had never even had a walk-on role 一个连龙套都没跑过的新演员
【近】 abecedarian, apprentice, fledgling, freshman, novice, recruit, rookie, tyro
【反】 veteran 老兵,身经百战的人
【考法 1】 n. (坚强的)意志,勇气: power of endurance or control; strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger
【例】 nerves of steel 钢铁般的意志
【近】 bravery, fortitude, guts, intrepidity, resolution, stamina
【反】 cowardice, pusillanimity 怯懦
【考法 2】 vt. 给予勇气,鼓励: to give strength or courage to
【例】 needs to nerve himself for the big game tomorrow 需要为明天的大赛给自己加油鼓劲
【近】 animate, brace, cheer, embolden, encourage, inspirit, steel, strengthen
【反】 appall 使胆寒;discourage, dishearten 使沮丧
【派】 nervy adj. 有勇气的
