新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List13:Unit4
日期:2015-06-28 10:00


【考法 1】 n. (损害、伤害等的)保险补偿: compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered
【例】 The widow now lives on a pension and an indemnity from her late husband's company. 这个寡妇如今依靠社保和前夫公司的保险赔偿过日
【近】 compensation, indemnification, quittance, recompense, redress, remuneration, reparation, requital
【考法 1】 vt. 起诉,控告: to accuse of wrongdoing; charge
【例】 indict the mayor for fraud and embezzlement. 起诉市长受贿和挪用公款
【近】 charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate
【反】 absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate 免罪
【考法 1】 adj. 公平的: marked by impartiality
【例】 They believed their art teacher could offer an indifferent judgment on their works' merits. 他们相信艺术老师会对他们作品的价值做出公正的评价
【近】 disinterested, equal, impartial, just, nonpartisan, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced
【反】 biased, one-sided, partial, prejudiced 有偏好的;unjust 不公平的
【考法 2】 adj. (质量、档次等)中规中矩的,一般的: of average to below average quality
【例】 an indifferent but drinkable cup of coffee 一杯尚可入口的咖啡
【近】 average, common, fair, intermediate, mediocre, medium, moderate, ordinary, passable, so-so
【反】 exceptional, extraordinary 极好的;inferior, poor 低档次的
【考法 3】 adj. 不感兴趣的,冷漠的: marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something
【例】 indifferent about the result of CET-4 对四级成绩不感兴趣
【近】 aloof, apathetic, detached, incurious, nonchalant, numb, pococurante, remote, unconcerned, uninterested
【反】 attentive, concerned, interested 关切的,有兴趣的
【派】 indifference n. 漠然
【考法 1】 adj. 土产的,本地的: originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment
【例】 the culture of the indigenous people of that country 那个国家原著民的文化
【近】 aboriginal, endemic, native
【反】 exotic, extraneous, foreign 外来的;nonnative 非本地的
【考法 2】 adj. 与生俱来的,先天的: being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thing
【例】 The drive to create is indigenous to humanity. 人类创造的动力是与生俱来的
【近】 constitutional, essential, immanent, inborn, inbred, ingrained, innate, integral, intrinsic, natural
【反】 adventitious, extrinsic 外在的;acquired, studied 后天习得的
【考法 1】adj. 贫穷的: lacking money or material possessions
【例】 indigent people who require some outside assistance 需要外来援助的贫苦人民
【近】 beggared, destitute, impecunious, impoverished, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, threadbare
【反】 affluent, opulent, rich, wealthy 富裕的
【派】 indigence n. 贫穷
【考法 1】 adj. 必不可少的,不可或缺的: impossible to do without
【例】 She was becoming indispensible to him. 对他而言她逐渐变得不可替代
【近】 critical, crucial, imperative, necessary, necessitous, needed, required, requisite, vital
【反】 dispensable 可替代的;redundant, superfluous, surplus 多余的
【考法 1】 vt. 教育,灌输思想: to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments
【例】 indoctrinate students with the notion of egalitarianism 向学生灌输平等主义的思想
【近】 educate, instruct, lesson, teach, train, tutor
【反】 learn, study 学习
【考法 1】 adj. 懒惰的: averse to activity, effort, or movement
【例】 The sweltering afternoon made us indolent. 炎热的午后使我们懒散不愿行动
【近】 lazy, idle, shiftless, slothful, sluggish
【反】 diligent, industrious 勤奋的
【派】 indolence n. 懒惰
【考法 1】 n. 动机,刺激源: a motive or consideration that leads one to action
【例】 offered an expensive watch as an inducement to ratify the proposal 赠送名贵手表以求计划得到批准
【近】 goad, impulse, incentive, motive, spur, stimulus
【反】 deterrent 抑制物
【考法 2】 n.劝说,游说: the act of reasoning or pleading with someone to accept a belief or course of action
【例】 He gave up smoking only after a prolonged inducement by all the other family members. 在所有家庭
【近】 conversion, convincing, persuading, suasion
【派】 induce v. 导致,产生
【考法 1】 adj. (对己)放纵的,(对他人)纵容的: showing, characterized by, or given to indulgence
【例】 indulgent aristocrats 生活放纵的贵族
【近】 decadent, forbearing, lenient, luxurious, tolerant, sybaritic
【反】 ascetic 禁欲的;draconian 严酷的
【派】 indulgence n. 放纵
