每日视频新闻:朝鲜称未攻击索尼 希望联合调查
日期:2014-12-21 10:52



路透社:朝鲜称未攻击索尼 希望联合调查














North Korea says did not hack Sony, wants joint probe with U.S.
朝鲜称未攻击索尼 希望联合调查


North Korea says U.S. accusations that Pyongyang was behind the Sony hacking is just "groundless slander". It had nothing to do with the massive cyberattack, it says. State TV cites an unnamed foreign ministry spokesman as also saying North Korea wants a joint investigation into the incident with the U.S.


(SOUNDBITE) (Korean) KRT NEWS READER SAYING: "If the U.S. refuses to accept our proposal for a joint investigation and continues to talk about some kind of response by dragging us into the case, it must remember there will be grave consequences."


Sony pulled its North Korea satire, "The Interview", after major theater chains refused to distribute the film … under fears of additional threats … prompting criticism for its decision. Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton -- said on Fareed Zakaria GPS -- the company is exploring other distribution options, but even a digital release would be a challenge.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT CEO MICHAEL LYNTON SAYING: "There has not been one major VOD -- video-on-demand distributor-- one major e-commerce site that has stepped forward and said they are willing to distribute this movie for us."


North Korea's statement was its first substantive response to the U.S. cyberattack accusation. Washington is speaking with Japan, China,South Korea and Russia for help to reign in North Korea. South Korea and Japan say they're willing to cooperate, but China - North Korea's only major ally - has yet to respond.



Protesters target Acapulco mayor over missing students


Protesters in Acapulco surround and vandalize the car of the city's mayor Friday over the mishandling of the case involving 43 student teachers feared dead. Luis Walton was inside the vehicle when demonstrators stopped it in the road, climbed on top of it, and began spray painting it with messages like 'blood will be avenged'. Walton did get out of the car and to speak with the protesters, some were the parents of the missing students. The resort city of Acapulco is in the same southern state as Iguala- the town where 43 student teachers were abducted by corrupt police, and handed over to a local gang which the government says massacred them. The protesters are demanding more answers about what happened and say they want local and federal officials to be held accountable. The incident in Acapulco is the latest in a string of angry demonstrations that has posed the biggest challenge yet to President Enrique Pena Nieto.
由于对43名可能遇难的失踪学生案件处理不当,阿卡普尔科的抗议者们包围并破坏了该市市长的汽车-|#at+2qHI6_。当示威者们在道路上截停这辆汽车并爬上车顶时,Luis Walton就在车内at_y7,^Wf%~-i。示威者还在车上喷上“血债血偿”的字样nJfUj4~f=@I+=VQNMT+。Walton走下汽车,向抗议者发表讲话,其中一些示威者是失踪学生的家长)k#GLjZdj.w03。阿卡普尔科与伊瓜拉在同一个州——这43名实习教师在这里被腐败的警察绑架,然后移交给当地一个犯罪团伙up=*(EJj_hOfE#S@JIn。警方称该犯罪团伙已经将失踪学生残忍地杀害PPX0U0ZDIAN*H*Ej[。抗议者们要求当局给出更多答案,称希望当地和联邦官员都能承担责任=.v.iF#~4hN。阿卡普尔科事件是最近一系列愤怒示威活动中的一起,为总统培尼亚·涅带来了前所未有的挑战9eRxqw8RI|s6D



Ukraine's children of war


Childhood is supposed to be a time of joy. But for the children of Ukraine there may be few happy childhoods says UNICEF's Kristen Elsby.
童年应该是快乐的zbT9r#l)!eth。但是联合国儿童基金会的Kristen Elsby表示,对于乌克兰的儿童来说,或许很少有快乐的童年时光[@20;-0^dNSz


(SOUNDBITE) (English) UNICEF REGIONAL CHIEF OF COMMUNICATION KRISTEN ELSBY SAYING: "We are very concerned that children are paying the highest price in this ongoing crisis in Ukraine."
联合国儿童基金会地区沟通负责人Kristen Elsby:“我们非常担忧,在乌克兰这场持续的危机中,儿童正在付出最大的代价G;uIqpq@_xPE#kkx。”


According to the latest UN report many living in the country's rebel-held east are still struggling to survive.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) UNICEF REGIONAL CHIEF OF COMMUNICATION KRISTEN ELSBY SAYING: "The situation for 1.7 million children affected by the ongoing conflict remains extremely serious. As you may know, since March 2014, over 1 million people have already fled their homes, including over 540,000 within Ukraine, and this number continues to increase weekly. At least 130000 of those displaced are children and tens of thousands of children still remain in areas of ongoing conflict."
联合国儿童基金会地区沟通负责人Kristen Elsby:“受持续冲突影响的170万儿童的境况仍然极其严峻Pzg99S[5%e。你或许知道,自2014年3月以来,超过100万人逃离家园,乌克兰境内超过540000人09C1,yeX6dNs@。而该数字每周都在增长Dsh2A)e;M&,_Kb^。流离失所的难民中至少有130000人是儿童,数十万儿童仍然被困在冲突持续地区DNi1nFFoVwDIx6IFUyvH。”


UNICEF has so far received $9.4 million which it using to provide some of the basics in eastern Ukraine. It says it will need more than 32 million dollars to meet the needs of Ukraine's children of war and their families.





Obama: Sony 'made a mistake'


SOUNDBITE: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "Yes I think they made a mistake." President Obama did not mince his words regarding Sony's decision to cancel its Christmas day release of the "The Interview." SOUNDBITE: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States because if someone is able to intimidate folks into releasing a satirical movie, image what they start doing when they release a documentary they don't like." Sony made the decision after the company was hacked and received threats not to show the comedy depicting the assassination of Kim Jong-Un. Obama says he wished Sony had talked to him first before making the decision. SOUNDBITE: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "I would've told them do not get into a pattern in which you are intimated by these kinds of criminal attacks." Obama vows the U.S. will respond to the cyber attack now that authorities have linked the strike to the North Korean government. SOUNDBITE: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "They caused a lot of damage and we will respond, we will respond proportionally and we will respond in a place and time and manner we choose." Obama says there is no indication that North Korea was acting in cooperation with another country in the Sony hack.





Dress worn by Marilyn Monroe worth a small fortune


Hollywood icons are known for setting trends, and few were better at it than Marilyn Monroe.


A harem dress she wore in Richard Avedon's iconic photo shoot published in Life magazine in December 1958 is now up for auction in London.


The photoshoot was a month after Marilyn Monroe completed filming for “Some Like It Hot.” In the photos, Monroe posed as various femme fatales from the world of cinema, including Marlene Dietrich, Lillian Russell, Jean Harlow, Clara Bow and Theda Bara.


The costume on sale is from Monroe's personal collection.


"Obviously, she loved it a lot because she kept it for her own collection and it was sold in Christie's estate sale of the personal property of Marilyn Monroe in 1999," Christie's Pop Culture specialist Caitlin Graham said.


"She also was desperate to play the role of Cleopatra, so she used the image of herself wearing this costume. She sent it to the president of Fox, trying to persuade him to give her the role, but unfortunately it went to Elizabeth Taylor in the end."


The costume is one of more than 100 pieces of film and music memorabilia available at Christie's 20th and 21st century pop culture auction.


Arnold Schwarzenegger's bullet ridden jacket from James Cameron's “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” and the Roman body armor worn by Russell Crowe in Ridley Scott's “Gladiator,” are each expected to sell for 15,000 pounds sterling.


Highlights available from the world of music include gold discs presented to the Beatles, a sequin covered bicycle used on tour by Elton John and a rare portrait painted by Bob Dylan of his first wife Sara.
