日期:2014-07-08 10:42







《变形金刚4》美国票房夺冠 高达1亿美元










German Chancellor meets Chinese Premier in Beijing


German Chancellor Angela Merkel is on a business-boosting trip to China, but the visit is being overshadowed by spying allegations involving the United States. Merkel was asked at a news conference in Beijing about allegations that a German man worked as a double agent for U.S. intelligence. The man was an employee of Germany's B-N-D foreign intelligence agency and reportedly admitting passing documents to a U.S. contact.


(SOUNDBITE) (German) GERMAN CHANCELLOR MERKEL, SAYING: "On the question of a German man working as a double agent for U.S. intelligence department, we have already opened an investigation. If the reports are correct it would be a serious case. If the allegations are true, it would be for me a clear contradiction to what I consider to be trustful cooperation between agencies and partners."


Meanwhile Merkel continues to build ties with China. This is her seventh visit since she took office in 2005, and it included a stop in the southwestern city of Chengdu where she met German business people and local officials. Merkel is traveling with a business delegation from Germany, and on Monday oversaw the signing of agreements involving the sale of 100 aircraft from the Airbus group's helicopter division to Chinese companies.



U.S. tightens security on electronics at overseas airports


Airline passengers are used to having to turn OFF their electronic devices when boarding. Now, new rules mean some passengers will be asked to turn them ON. The TSA announced heightened security measures on Sunday over electronic devices on U.S.-bound flights from certain airports overseas. The new rules mean security agents at checkpoints can ask passengers to turn on their devices. If a device doesn't appear to have power, it won't be allowed on board.


SOUNDBITE: PASSENGER JOHN FURTH SAYING: "That's gonna be difficult 'cuz there's been plenty of times that my phone's been out of juice at the airport."
乘客JOHN FURTH:“这将会非常困难,因为如果我的手机在机场没电了,我没有足够的时间来处理j-h8IYKsgJTuZZh。”


U.S. officials say the new measures are part of TSA's heightened security measures announced last week. Those came in response to security concerns that al-Qaeda and its affiliates may be plotting to blow up an airliner.


SOUNDBITE: PASSENGER AL DION SAYING: "I'm all for it, because when you're on the plane, something happens like that, they're trying to protect us."
乘客AL DION:“我完全支持这些措施,因为当我们登上飞机,有事情发生的时候,他们可以及时保护我们v!x2pzrMg[(。”


Officials are concerned that cell phones, tablets and other devices could be used as a bomb. They've singled out smart phones and are also calling for closer inspections of passenger's shoes.



The countdown to Berlin fashion week


Berlin fashion week preps are in full swing. Buyers, designers and those who simply love fashion will flock to Germany to see the latest trends. And while Berlin Fashion Week doesn't come with big names, Jarrad Clark, global creative director at IMG Fashion says visitors will be sure to find some new and upcoming designers.
柏林时装周的准备工作已经全面展开,买家,设计师和热爱时装的人将齐聚德国见证最新的流行趋势)+stUiOqVvuf。尽管柏林时装周并不是大牌云集,美国国际管理集团(IMG Fashion)全球创意总监Jarrad Clark表示,观众们肯定会发现一些新的异军突起的设计师GdaWqCx7h1M


SOUNDBITE: Jarrad Clark, global creative director at IMG Fashion, saying (English): "Berlin is always about the discovery of the new, whether it's in fashion, whether it's in art, whether it's in music, it's something that Berlin is known for and it's something that we try and keep very close to the DNA of this particular platform. So we're always looking for young designers. We have ten fashion design schools in Berlin alone that are graduating new talent every single year. We have 28 designers who are doing business in Berlin who are actually on our schedule of over 50 plus designers. So half the schedule is coming from this city."
美国国际管理集团(IMG Fashion)全球创意总监Jarrad Clark:“柏林向来都是发掘新的人才的地方,无论是时装界,艺术界还是音乐界^~O50gko(Y(lr,Xch@a。柏林以这一点著称SOi(nq,6a@lb。我们一直努力保持这个特别的平台的特色Hj-RXvNI~_!!&。所以我们一直在发掘新的设计师-CH9jK7s!ybi。仅在柏林就有十所设计学校,每年都有新秀毕业S&Wh6+bHwLV%b。我们有28位设计师在柏林创业,他们位列参加我们的时装周活动的50多位设计师之中Oc5-UyoEXyp。所以,一半的设计师来自这个城市KB4hF&V~y[@[W-ob。”


Due to the world cup fan fest at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, the fashion event will take place in an ice skating rink as opposed to its usual location. Clark says the new spot is a one-off that adds to the urban flair of the week.


SOUNDBITE: Jarrad Clark, global creative director at IMG Fashion, saying (English): "Fashion is about change. So this season, we are here, we are going to try it out. We've got multiple configurations for the designers to be able to use this time and we'll see what the feedback is. But you know, we love our home down at Brandenburg Gate."
美国国际管理集团(IMG Fashion)全球创意总监Jarrad Clark:“时尚是不断变化的hJcf2eWLKp54Cs(H。所以,这个季节,我们将进行尝试0vFY)T-Qd2Poi|。我们为设计师们准备了多种布局,让他们得以利用这次机会,我们将看一下反馈如何A^&WMbqGRWSo+|lxho。但是你知道,我们还是更热爱我们的家乡勃兰登堡门[xGqDWdfah!v-0。”


Berlin Fashion Week runs from July 8 until July 11.





Eye-tracking wheelchair helps the severely disabled steer new course


Algorithms working with inexpensive software could help quadriplegics steer wheelchairs simply by looking in their desired direction of travel. An Imperial College London team says their newly devised system can read eye movements to tell if a person is merely gazing or wants to move. Co-designer and student Kirubin Pillay says it's simple to use. SOUNDBITE (English) KIRUBIN PILLAY, STUDENT, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, SAYING: "At the moment I'm just moving forward by looking to the floor but exactly at points on the floor that I would like to go to and the wheelchair is responding, so if I look right, slightly towards Will, I'll move there and if I look left as well I'll move there as well, and it just responds to my gaze and my desired location that I would like to go to." Visual information detected by cameras trained on both eyes is analysed by algorithms within 10 milliseconds, and translated into instructions for movement that's almost instantaneous, says researcher William Abbott. SOUNDBITE (English) WILLIAM ABBOTT, RESEARCHER, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, SAYING: "We actually move our eyes upwards of three times a second, so there's huge information there, so essentially we track the pupil of the eye and via a calibration process we relate that to where the subject's looking in the world around them." Multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury patients with severe paralysis, are usually able to move their eyes because they're directly connected to the brain. For now, the team is keeping details of its decoding technology secret, but Pillay says it's an improvement on existing eye tracking systems. SOUNDBITE (English) KIRUBIN PILLAY, PHD STUDENT, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, SAYING: "Current tracking software often uses a screen-based system where you have a screen open and you look at locations on the screen. The problem with that is that it's very simplistic and also diverts the users' attention from the outside world and therefore there's more risk of not noticing obstacles or other things in the way." While the technology has been designed for the disabled, team leader Dr Aldo Faisal, from Imperial's Brain and Behaviour Lab, says it has much wider application. SOUNDBITE (English) PROJECT LEADER, DR ALDO FAISAL, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, SAYING: "You could use it maybe one day to drive your car, you could use it to operate a robot, you may be able to use it to fly planes or drones or spaceships with this type of technology." Tests on able-bodied volunteers found they steered through crowded buildings faster and with fewer mistakes than when using other eye tracking technologies. Trials on disabled patients are about to start, and the team hopes its system could be commercially available within three years.





Remarks by the President before Lunch with Teachers
Blue Room


12:10 P.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Well, good afternoon, everybody. I am here with some outstanding teachers as well as Secretary Arne Duncan. And the reason we’re here is with the school year now over, it is a great time for us to focus on what we need to do to make sure that next year and the year after that and the year after continues to improve for students all across this country.


The one ingredient that we know makes an enormous difference is a great teacher, and we have four of the best teachers in the country here. But what we also know is that there are outstanding teachers all across the country, and Arne, myself, I suspect many of you had wonderful teachers that made all the difference in your lives and allowed you to be excited about learning and set you on a path for an extraordinary career.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of kids around the country who are not getting the kind of teaching that they need -- not because there aren’t a whole lot of great potential teachers out there, but because we’re not doing enough to put a lot of our teachers in a position to succeed. They may not be getting the training they need, they may not be getting the professional development and support that they need in the classroom. And part of our goal since we came into office, since Arne became Secretary of Education is how do we continue to improve how teachers can get better each and every year.


Of particular concern is the fact that typically the least experienced teachers, the ones with the least support, often end up in the poorest schools. So we have a problem in which the kids who need the most skilled teachers are the least likely to get them. And the most talented and skilled teachers oftentimes are teaching the kids who are already the best prepared and have the most resources outside of the school in order to succeed.


So what we’re trying to do today -- and Arne is going to have more to say about this this afternoon because we’re hosting a bunch of other teachers who are here in town -- is to highlight what we’re calling “Excellent Educators for All.” It’s going to be a program in which we ask states to take a look at where they’re distributing great teachers, what are they doing in order to train and promote and place teachers in some of the toughest environments for children. And what we’re also going to be doing is providing technical assistance, highlighting best practices, all with the intention of making sure that wherever a child is, anywhere in the country, they’ve got that opportunity to have somebody in front of the classroom or beside them guiding them, mentoring them, helping them learn.


And when I think about my own experience, the only reason I’m here in the White House is because I had some extraordinary teachers as well as a pretty extraordinary mom and grandparents. I think everybody sitting around this table probably feels the same way -- I suspect that’s part of what inspired some of these people to become teachers. We want to make sure every child has that access to excellent teachers and we’re very confident that if we can lift up what works, that there are going to be a lot of states that want to adapt to it.


So, unfortunately right now, they don’t necessarily have the information and, as I said, if we do nothing, if we don’t highlight the problem, then inevitably the kids who probably need less help get the most, and the kids who need the most help are getting the least. That’s something that we’re going to need to reverse not just because it’s good for these kids -- we know that if they’ve got a great teacher, they’re more likely to graduate, they’re more likely to go to college, they’re more likely to succeed in their career -- it’s also necessary for our economy, because we’ve got too many kids who are trapped in situations in which they’re not able to realize their full potential.


So I want to thank all these folks for being here, and I’m really looking forward to listening to them to find out what they think can be most helpful in promoting excellence in teaching.


Thank you, everybody.


  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • inspiredadj. 有创见的,有灵感的
  • devicen. 装置,设计,策略,设备
  • operatev. 操作,运转,经营,动手术
  • adaptvt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • platformn. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲
  • urbanadj. 城市的,都市的
  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • promotevt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销