这句话英文怎么说(生活篇) 第484期:全职爸爸
日期:2014-04-29 10:33


“家庭妇男”的说法很简单,就是由house房子和husband丈夫组成的,即house-husband。说“家庭妇男”多多少少都带点贬低色彩,而 “全职爸爸”则是一个比较中性的说法,指没有负担家庭经济责任的父亲.

A house-husband is a man who stays at home and doesn't go to work, while his wife goes to work and earns money. Usually a man becomes a house-husband in order to look after children.

你知道英文husband是怎么来的吗?——husband=house+band 房屋拴牢!(band的含义就是something that constrains or binds morally or legally约束:在道义上或法律上受到限制或约束的事物。比如说the bands of marriage and family婚姻和家庭的约束)