备战中考系列之完形填空(附解析) 第81期
日期:2014-04-15 14:52


  It was an unexpected holiday. (1)______ April 19, we were told to leave school and stay at home because of a new deadly disease called SARS.
  It is not very (2)_____ to be stuck at home(憋在家里), unable to (3)_____. Although our classes are sometimes boring, going to school is much (4)____ than staying at home.
  I am even starting to (5)______ some of my teachers. It would be nice just to see their faces again. Meeting old classmates would be great too. It feels as if (6)______ haven't seen them for ages.
  After weeks of being at (7)_____, I asked my parents to take my cousins and me to the Great wall. Being able to get outside made me feel (8)_____. It was not very crowded there because (9)_____ people were leaving their homes.
  My school has asked me to do a special job during this unusual (10)____.
  Every day I phone ten of my classmates and ask them to (11)_____ their temperatures. I also ask them if they have done their homework. (12)_____ I gave the information to our teacher.
  This is a lot of fun.
  I have (13)______ made so many phone calls to my classmates!
  (14)_______ knows how long this holiday will last. When we go back to school, I (15)_____ everything return to normal. I miss my friends and school very much.
  ( )1. A. In B. At C. for D. On
  ( )2. A. nice B. lonely C. hard D. natural
  ( )3. A. work out B. go out C. take out D. find out
  ( )4. A. better B. worse C. good D. well
  ( )5. A. think B. love C. miss D. know
  ( )6. A. You B. I C. He D. We
  ( )7. A. school B. hospital C. home D. class
  ( )8. A. amazed B. unhappy C. lovely D. excited
  ( )9. A. few B. little C. many D. no
  ( )10.A. week B. year C. holiday D. day
  ( )11.A. make B. take C. see D. find
  ( )12.A. Than B. When C. Then D. After
  ( )13.A. never B. ever C. already D. yet
  ( )14.A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Anybody D. Nobody
  ( )15.A. decide B. hope C. agree D. find
  1.D. 在日期前应用介词on。
  2.A. 根据所给词的词义可知答案。
  3.B. 非典期间学生们不能外出,只能在家学习。作为学生,你们肯定也经历过这一阶段。
  4.A. 由于学生们呆在家里,时间一长,他们就会认为还不如在学校好。 你有同感吗?
  5.C. 在家里只有想念老师,而不能见面。
  6.B. 整篇文章都是以第一人称出现的。
  7.C. 非典期间只能在家里呆着。
  8.D. 能够在非典时期外出一次一定是会很兴奋的。
  9.A. 非典期间很多人都在家里,所以外面的人很少的。
  10.C. 非典期间就是一个假期。
  11.B. take one's temperature 表示“量体温”。
  12.C. 这里的then 表示时间的先后衔接。
  13.A. 非典期间由于不能外出,所以电话联络成了主要方式。在这期间,打电话的数量明显增多。
  14.D. 在当时情况下,的确没有人能说出这一特殊假期的长短。
  15.B. 根据所给词语的词义可知。当时所有人都希望恢复正常生活秩序。

  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • unexpectedadj. 想不到的,意外的
  • unhappyadj. 不快乐的,不高兴的
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的