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日期:2014-02-27 13:28


Task 1

1.如果一个外国朋友要来你的国家读大学你会给神马建议。What will you suggest your foreign friend if he comes to your country to study?

2.描述一个你国家的 interesting cloth and explain why it is interesting

3.Talk about an organization or a club that you would like to join. Explain why you would like to join this organization? Please include reasons and details in your response.

4.学校为学生选 after class activity,你推荐哪种

Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. Explain how this person influenced your life. Include details and examples to support your response.

Task 2

1. would you like to spend time with family or friends rather than alone and why ?

2. 决定职业前,学生是否应该去实习或感受之类的经验?

3. Some students prefer to study for only one long time during a week. Others students prefer to study for several short times during a week. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

4. Agree or disagree: young children should learn to draw or paint. Include details and examples to support your answer.

Task 3

Task 3-1

学校要求每个学生—16 小时的志愿 programs in community before you graduate


Task 3-2

学校准备建一个art building。女生同意,因为可以容纳更多的学生上课,她去年选课就选不上,她说她自己想去CHINESE ART CLASS〜〜(中国诶〜当时心情超好〜〜)可是班级小只能去15个人,所以她没进去。还然后第二是有更大的screen给老师show pictures and sculptures 可以更清晰,她说没有hightechmachine的时候painting跟石膏吧都很blur,看不清楚 details,可是艺术的excellence主要都在details上。

Task 3-3

【个人倡议】:一个学生给学校写信给校报建议学校应add a three-day fall break just before midterm in each fall semestero 这样做有两个好处:1、students can relax themselves during the break。2、they can get some time off to prepare for the their projects。

【学生态度】:男生同意此建议。理由 1、this suggestion is especially good for the first year students who needs some time to get adjusted to their college life. Both the way to live and the study pace are different from that of a high school。Students, especially for 1st year student.可矛!J 用这三天假期to relax。理由2、期中midterm很忙,一个星期考几门exams,有时候they will also have so many projects or research papers to complete。学生{门可 use the time to do assignment and research 来 finish their projects and papers。The male student gives an example of his history class。

Task 3-4

关于学校stop serving junk food in dining hall,男生不同意。一:这是没有必要的。学生己经很健康了,学习完以后吃点零食是挺好的,尤其是finishing paper以后,女生说对啊,比如 icecream什么的。二:就算我们不在学校买也会到校外的store去买,而且更贵,根本就不省 钱

Task 4

Task 4-1

主题:promotion risk

听力:例子是software designer因为工作很好,就升职做了 supervisor of xxx department,但

是这个人很擅长设计软件,但是不擅长管理,不能在deadline之前完成工作,不能motivate 其他员工,但是又不能给他降职,会让他很没面子,因而公司要承担给他升职的风险。

Task 4-2

材料是 trees can not only produce poisions to fight back the inspects but also convey the woming to the other trees nearby by airbone chemicals,然后教授例举 willow trees,做实验把 willow trees 分为两组,一组让caterpillar咬另一组保证清理干净没有caterpillar,然后发现被咬的树分泌 出毒液防止虫咬,然而另一组没有被咬的也产生了毒液,这是因为第一组的树通过一些 airborne chemicals传递了警告给第二组

Task 4-3

【名词解释】:friend affiliation(群体归属):refers to the people’s desire to be a member of a certain group。想、让顾客买产品,必须要有 affiliation。广告商 make advisement by using people’s affiliation有两种方法:一是利用其positive effect,通过宣扬广告产品可以增加affiliation, 在朋友之间寻求認同。二是利用其negative方法,如果用别的brand产品就会失去affiliation。 【教授举例】:为一个软饮料公司策划一个ad campaign,可有两种方案:第一种方案:在一 个 happy party 里,everybody 都 drink the same kind of 新 brand 的 soda,都很 happy。The soda becomes a very important thing in this situation。第二种方案:some young people are watching a football game in a stadium,突然 one of them drink a wrong brand of soda,then all the people become quite 音乐和 party 也就此 stop 了 and 用奇怪的眼神 look at him, and leave him alone, even his best friend left him。Then he realized he made a big mistake to drink the wrong kind soda,然后这人就换了个口味。这是从negative入手让观众喜欢这个牌子的soda。问教授是怎么说 明reading passage中的观点的。

Task 4-4

【名词解释】The concept of search image.

【听力讲座】说鸟要吃虫子(caterpillar)吧,可是呢虫子是绿的,叶子也是绿的,所以鸟就吃得少, 可是后来鸟在虫子身上发现他们的特别的记号(search image)(自己推测,比方说虫子身上有别的颜色的条文啊之类的。)所以既然已经知道怎么找了所以就找的块了,然后抓几条留着以后吃之类的。

Task 4-5

动物的利他主义:benefic other animals, but reduce the chance of survival。一种生活在加州的

动物松鼠,它的主要敌人是mountain lion.尤其是吃母的。当她发现有危险?时候会发生一种高pitch的calling来警告同伴赶紧逃跑,但是他的calling会引来lion,因此自己很可能被 吃掉,她牺牲了自己逃走的机会,但是给同伴留了生路,尤其是family member在附近的时候

Task 5

Task 5-1

一个学生教课觉得教得不好,女的给出主意,要么找每个学生谈话留作业并让学生谈谈看法, 要么在班里发调查问卷来反映情况,但是survey有时可能不会被认真填写,收效不明显。

Task 5-2

男生的band需要找新的场地训练,一个选择是租music studio,但是很贵,第二是music building还是什么,时间上有问题,白天不能练习,晚上也不能练习到太晚

Task 5-3

【学生困难】:一个女生和her friend要搬出校园,要share租a new apartment,本来昨天己经看好了 anapartment,价钱合适,也很大justOK,准备今天下午去sign the contract for the apartment。但她今天自己又看到一个nicer的,larger and closer to school,就是价钱有点贵, 她想租这个。想要的话,今天必须签合同否则就没了。但她室友went to hiking 了,要一周 后才回来 the next week。has no access to emails and mobile。So, she can,t be able to contact her friend to make a decision together.女生不矢卩怎办。

【解决方案】:女生给两个解决方案:方案l、sign the new contract for the new apartment which is more expensive, closer to campus, nicer and due today without her friend's opinion。这个女生 可以接受价格,但She doesn't know her friend's financial situation,担心她室友负担不起。方 案 2、stay with the previous apartment they have agreement on which has right price and a OK place,毕竟这个是两人一起同意的。但这个女生不喜欢。

Task 5-4

女的遇到了问题,她要参加summer courses,但是呢没钱,所以第一,去library打part timejob,第二是在dorm自己做饭。。比食堂的省钱。。尽管样式没那么多

Task 5-5

男生要搬新apartment,但是那里面已经有家具了,他的家具没有地方放。他只租这个 apartment 一年女生:一,把家具store起来,但是store也有费用。二。selling。还可以得钱, 但是他明年搬家了还要用家具

Task 6

Task 6-1

广告有两种形式,一种是primary demands,就是告诉消费者这东西如何如何好让你买,比如 手机刚问世,刚搞就说怎么方便,怎么容易携带,怎么促进与别人交流,第二种secondary demands,就是告诉你我们公司的这东西如何如何比别的公司同样产品强,举手机的例子, 更轻,更容易携带,有照相和上网功能写作(只增加综合第三点。

Task 6-2

动物孵蛋孵卵需要moisture,有两种为卵keep moist的方式。青蛙把卵产在水里,水可以很容易进入卵,使卵保持moist。蛇蛋的shell有特殊的structure可以锁住水分所以就算下到干 旱的地方也无所谓。

Task 6-3

psychology lecture,讲两人们的 make choice 的 strategies,maximiser 总是找尽可能多的选 择然后一一评估找到最适合最好的,satisfier只要找到能满足基本需求的就会满足,例子分别是 a student studing joumalis, and another one who wants to be laywer for the high salary

Task 6-4

business network: a group of people join in one group, they meet and built up relationship,friendship ,they can benefit from each other’s expertise, which means share each other’s skill.


一:在一个group里的人互相benefit。比如,一个restaurant owner,她要找人manager financial,然后她再business network里认识了一个account,并且trust她,她就可以直接雇


二:可以recommended自己的圈外朋友。例子还是restaurant owner,他认识其他的owner也想找account,这个时候她就可以介绍account过去。
  • previousadj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • assignmentn. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)
  • brandn. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记 vt. 打烙印,铭刻,加污
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • designern. 设计者
  • blurv. 使 ... 模糊,弄脏 n. 污点,模糊
  • motivatevt. 给与动机,激发(兴趣或欲望)