名人励志英语演讲 第164期:奏出生命中最美的乐曲(11)
日期:2013-12-17 19:02



Me, I'm in love with this country called America. I'm a huge fan--I'm a huge fan of America. I'm like one of those annoying fans, you know the ones that read the CD notes and follow you into bathrooms and ask you all kinds of annoying questions about why you didn't live up to that. You know. I'm that kind of fan. And I read the Declaration of Independence and I've read the Constitution of the United States, and they are some liner notes, dude.
And as I said yesterday, I--I--I made my pilgrimage to Independence Hall, and I love America because America is not just a country, it's an idea. You see my country, Ireland, is a great country, but it's not an idea. America is an idea. But it's an idea that brings with it some baggage, like power brings reponsibility. It's an idea that brings with it equality, but equality, even though it's the highest calling, is the hardest to reach. The idea that anything is possible, that's one of the reason why I'm a fan of America. It's like, "Hey, look there's the moon up there, let's--let's, you know, let's take a walk on it, bring back a piece of it." That's the kind of America that I'm a fan of. And in 1971--actually, no--In 1771--not great for glam rock, that year--but your founder Mr. Franklin, spent three months in Ireland and Scotland to look at the relationship they had with England to see whether they--this could be a model for America, whether America should follow their example and remain a part of the British Empire.


1. be in love with
eg. I've never really been in love with anyone.
eg. He had always been in love with the enchanted landscape of the West.
2. even though
eg. Even though I'm supposed to be working by myself, there are other people who I can interact with.
eg. We mustn't let up, even though we're winning.
3. follow sb's example
eg. Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty.
eg. She should remember that she is a mother and a public figure and that others may follow her example.

Bono:原名保罗·大卫·休森(Paul David Hewson),主唱兼节奏吉他手,1960年5月10日出生于都柏林。
亚当·克莱顿(Adam Clayton):U2的贝斯手。1960年3月13日出生于英格兰牛津郡。
拉里·木伦(Larry Mullen,Jr.):U2的鼓手,他其实也是当初发起创立这乐团的提议人。1961年10月31日出生于都柏林。
The Edge:原名大卫·荷威·伊凡斯(David Howell Evans),是U2的主吉他手、钢琴手与合音。1961年8月8日出生于英格兰东伦敦。
迄今为止U2乐队的专辑销量在世界范围内已高达1亿7千 万张,滚石杂志把U2列入全世界最伟大的100位艺人之一,由于其极高的知名度与良好的形象,今日的U2已经成为爱尔兰重要的象征之一。
风格:Alternative Rock(另类摇滚)、Pop Rock(流行摇滚)、Post-Punk(后朋克)、Album Rock(专辑摇滚)、College Rock(学院摇滚)。

  • pilgrimagen. 朝圣之旅,人生历程 vi. 朝圣
  • independencen. 独立,自主,自立
  • alternativeadj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的 n. 替换
  • constitutionn. 组织,宪法,体格
  • landscapen. 风景,山水,风景画 v. 美化景观
  • annoyingadj. 恼人的,讨厌的
  • declarationn. 宣布,宣言
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,