名人励志英语演讲 第160期:奏出生命中最美的乐曲(7)
日期:2013-12-11 18:44



Africa makes a mockery of what we say, at least what I say, about equality and questions our pieties and our commitments because there's no way to look at what's happening over there and its effect on all of us and conclude that we actually consider Africans as our equals before God. There is no chance.
An amazing event happened here in Philadelphia in 1985--Live Aid--that whole "We Are the World" phenomenon the concert that happened here. Well after that concert I went to Ethiopia with my wife, Ali. We were there for a month and an extraordinary thing happened to me. We used to wake up in the morning and the lift--the mist would be lifting. We'd see thousands and thousands of people who'd been walking all night to our food station where we were working.
And one man--I was standing outside talking to the--the translator--his beautiful boy and he was saying to me in Amharic, I guess it was--I was saying I can't understand what he's saying--and this nurse who spoke English and Amharic said to me, he's saying, "Will you take his son?" He's saying please take his son, he--he... would be a great son for you. And I was looking puzzled and he said, "You must take my son because if you don't take my son, my son will surely die. If you take him he will go--go back to where he is [Ireland] and get an education."--Probably like the ones we're talking about today. And of course I said--I had to say no, that was the rules there and I walked away from that man, I've never really walked away from it. But I think about that--that boy and that man and that's when I started this journey that's brought me here into this stadium.


1. a mockery of
eg. The trial made a mockery of justice.
eg. In a debate which followed, the crafty old politician made a mockery of his younger opponent.
2. there's no way
eg. There was absolutely no way that we were going to be able to retrieve it.
eg. I don't respond to opinions as there's no way to argue objectively such matters.
3. walk away from
eg. As the scene fades out, the hero and the heroine walk away from each other.
eg. The most appropriate strategy may simply be to walk away from the problem...
eg. No one knows you're a part of this. You can just walk away.

波诺于1975年于高中认识了爱莉森·史都华(Alison "Ali" Stewart),爱莉在她母亲死后担当了他临时母亲的职责,照顾他日常饮食及确保他成功到达学校。两人于1982年8月21日结婚,在全圣人教堂 (All Saints Chunch)以爱尔兰圣公会的仪式举行典礼,并由U2的贝斯手亚当·克雷顿担任他的伴郎。两人于1989年5月10日生下第一个女儿乔丹 (Jordan);1991年7月7日生下第二个女儿曼菲丝·伊芙 (Memphis Eve);1999年8月18日第一个儿子伊莱亚 (Elijah Bob Patricus Guggi Q)出世;2001年5月21日小儿子约翰·亚伯拉罕 (John Abraham)出世。波诺的小女儿伊芙也遗传了父亲的表演魅力,她曾在2001年斯兰城堡(Slane Castle)的演唱会上和父亲在〈Mysterious Ways〉演奏时共舞,如今的她正努力朝演戏之路迈进,并且在2008年首次演出电影《The 27 Club》。波诺一家人定居在爱尔兰都柏林郡基勒尼 (Killiney)。

  • respondv. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应 n. [建]壁
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • heroinen. 女英雄,女主角
  • puzzledadj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的
  • phenomenonn. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地