高考英语听力每日一练 第200期
日期:2013-09-11 17:13



300. 听下面材料,回答第(1) (2) (3)题。
(1) How long did Mary stay in bed?
A. For 2 days.
B. For 3 days.
C. For 4 days.

(2) Why have so many people caught a cold?
A. Because of the cold weather.
B. Because of no heating.
C. Because of the changing weather.

(3) Who is Linda?
A. The woman's friend.
B. The woman's sister.
C. The man's sister.


M: Hello, Mary. How are you today? I heard you weren't well last week.
W: I'm much better now. Thank you.
M: What was the matter? Nothing serious I hope.
W: Oh, no. I had a bad cold and had to stay in bed for two days.
M: I'm glad you're better. Anyway, I hope it was the last cold of winter and not the first cold of summer. What about your friend, Ann? I hear she is ill, too.
W: She was ill. But she'll be all right now. I think she caught my cold.
M: Everybody seems to have one now. I expect it's the sudden change of weather. One day hot and the next day cold.
W: And very windy, too. That's why I'm wearing a sweater today. What do you think of it? Pretty, isn't it
M: It certainly is. It must cost a lot. Where did you find it?
W: Oh, I got it as a sale. It was quite cheap.
M: Really! Well, Mary, I must say, it suits you very well. What a pity we men can't wear beautiful sweaters!
W: Never mind. Let's go and buy one like it to send to your sister Linda in America.
M: That's very kind of you, Mary. I'm really thinking of sending her a present.

(1) 正确答案为A。根据I had a bad cold and had to stay in bed for two days.我患了重感冒,不得不在家休息了两天。可知,玛丽在家休息了两天,因此A项正确。
(2) 正确答案为C。根据Everybody seems to have one now. I expect it's the sudden change of weather. One day hot and the next day cold.好像现在大家都有感冒的症状。我想是因为天气突变的原因。一天热一天冷。可知,许多人患感冒的原因是天气突变,因此C项正确。
(3) 正确答案为C。根据女子说Let's go and buy one like it to send to your sister Linda in America.我们去给你在美国的姐姐琳达买一件吧。可知,琳达是男子的姐姐,因此C项正确。
