高考英语听力每日一练 第159期
日期:2013-07-15 12:13



259. 听下面材料,回答第(1) (2) (3) 题。
(1) What did the boy mean by saying "Mary, how did you do that"?
A. How Mary went on the holiday.
B. Why Mary went to Denver.
C. How Mary was able to miss so much school.

(2) What can we infer about Washington's Birthday from the dialogue?
A. May be there was a national holiday near that day.
B. It was fine that day and nobody wanted to stay in.
C. All the students were on their winter holiday that day.

(3) What did Mary do on Washington's Birthday?
A. She stayed at home.
B. She went to the mountain by car.
C. She went to the mountain by train for a holiday.


M: Hey, Mary! You have really been gone a long time. How did you do that?
W: Hi! Well, I talked with my teachers before I left about the work I would miss. Besides, my aunt in Denver made me study a lot there.
M: I thought she was your rich aunt.
W: Not very. But she didn't have any children to raise, so she does have some money, even though she was a teacher.
M: How was the holiday?
W: Cold, at least three of the days I went. And I saw so many people on the mountain on Washington's Birthday.
M: The beaches here were full on Washington's Birthday, too. It really was warm here, so lots of people went swimming.
W: Well, we should have stayed home that day. There were so many people. We took the train over to the mountain, so at least we didn't have to drive. It is a good thing we did-there were so many cars and buses, and no place to park anywhere.
M: Just like the beaches here.

(1) 正确答案为C。根据I talked with my teachers before I left about the work I would miss. Besides, my aunt in Denver made me study a lot there.我在离开前和老师谈了我可能会缺的课,另外,我在丹佛的阿姨也教我了很多。可知,男子是问玛丽怎么能缺这么多课。因此C项正确。
(2) 正确答案为A。根据I saw so many people on the mountain on Washington's Birthday.华盛顿诞辰日的时候我在山上看见了特别多的人;以及The beaches here were full on Washington's Birthday, too.华盛顿诞辰日那天这里的沙滩上也全是人。可推知,华盛顿诞辰日是国家法定假期,因此A项正确。
(3) 正确答案为C。根据We took the train over to the mountain.我们坐火车去的山上。可知,玛丽在华盛顿诞辰日那天坐火车去了山上,因此C项正确。
