名校励志英语演讲 第182期:一切皆有可能(4)
日期:2013-03-22 13:24



I was raised in a traditional Chinese family where achievement was not demanded, but expected. My father, born in Hong Kong, was a successful architect. My mother, born in Shanghai, was the first female chemical engineer in her graduating class at the University of Toronto in Canada. They arrived in America not speaking a word of English but through hard work, both were able to fulfill their full potential, and their success has set a wonderful example for me.

My parents were always, and continue to be today, the single biggest influence in my life. They raised my brother and I with a respect for the values and traditions of our Chinese heritage, yet also with an unwavering commitment to bring us up with all the opportunities for higher education and a desire to prepare us to adapt to American society and to succeed in this world of great change.

My brother and I were given all the opportunities of our American friends - the same schools, the same tennis lessons, the same piano teachers....but we had the wonderful advantage in my mind of a cultural heritage that we were always taught to be proud of. Mom and Dad always wanted us to be proud of being Chinese - my brother and I smile today when we reminisce on growing up in our house.



1993年与雅芳前CEO吉姆的一次会面,钟彬娴还历历在目。当时,吉姆办公室的饰板上印有四个足印:猿猴、赤足男人、男皮鞋和女高跟鞋。上面的题词很简单:领导权的演变。当时,美国《财富》杂志评出的500强企业还没有一家是由女性领衔;因为那时在各个行业都有一块透明的、限制女性上升的天花板。吉姆看着钟彬娴,说:“我完全相信,在未来的10年一定会有一位女性来领导雅芳。” 钟彬娴根本没有想到:这个打破了玻璃天花板的女人,就是自己。

  • architectn. 建筑师
  • achievementn. 成就,成绩,完成,达到
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • adaptvt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • commitmentn. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行
  • reminiscevi. 追忆,缅怀