海伦超级口语秀 第1期:日常生活 Daily life
日期:2013-01-22 19:14


Part 1:日常生活Daily Life的内容包括:一天的开始,每日生活必会,换衣服常用语,化妆进行式,每日问答,每日描述,出门。

一天的开始 Starting a day
wake up 醒来
get up 起床
brush teeth 刷牙
wash face 洗脸
comb hair 梳理头发
change clothes 换衣服
make-up 化妆
put on shoes 穿上皮鞋

make the bed 铺床
take a shower 洗澡
read newspaper 读报纸
read magazines 读杂志
watch television 看电视
watch DVDs 看DVD
watch VCDs 看VCD
have breakfast 吃早餐
eat breakfast 吃早餐
put on watches 戴上手表
take mobile phone 拿手机
polish shoes 擦皮鞋

For men
do up his shirt 扣上衬衫
put on his trousers 穿上长裤
put on his tie 系上领带
For women
put on her skirt 穿上裙子
change into a dress 换上礼服

For men
shave 刮胡子
For women
wash her face 洗脸
dry her face with cotton 用化妆绵擦干
apply face cream 涂上面霜
apply foundation 打上粉底
apply natural coloring 涂上腮红
put on eye shadow 擦眼影
put on eye liner 画眼线
apply lipstick 涂口红

How often do you get on line? 多久上一次网?
How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视?
4 times a week. 一周四次
Every day. 每天
Every Saturday. 每个周六
Every evening. 每天晚上
What time do you go to work? 你几点钟去上班?
Half past seven/ Seven thirty 七点半
How do you go to school? 你怎么去学校呢?
By bus. 坐公车
By school shuttle. 坐校车
By MTR. 乘地铁
By car. 开车
What do you do every day? 你每天都做什么?
I get up, I make the bed, then I take a shower. 我先是起床,叠被子,然后去冲凉。
Jane always gets up early. 简总是起得很早。
I never eat breakfast. 我重来不吃早餐。
Judy likes reading magazines. 朱迪喜欢阅读杂志。
Mark is watching DVD. 马克正在看DVD录像。
I sometimes put on eye shadow, but not very often. 我有时候会抹点眼影,但是不是经常。

I normally get up at 7 o'clock, but today I got up at 9 o'clock. 我通常七点钟起床,但今儿九点钟才起来的。
Carol listens to MP3s every morning. 卡罗尔每天早上都听MP3。
I often listen to CDs or tapes. 我常常听CD或是磁带。
I play computer games every day. 我每天都玩电脑游戏。
I read a lot at home. 我在家看很多书。
I ring my friends every evening. 我每天晚上都给朋友打电话的。
Sometimes, I just do nothing. 有时候,我什么也不做。

lock the door with a key
take the lift/ elevator
run downstairs
go/ walk downstairs

  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会
  • brushn. 刷子,画笔 n. 灌木丛 n. 小冲突,争吵 vt
  • polishn. 光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良 v. 擦亮,磨光,推敲,
  • trousersn. 裤子