河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 61 What Was in the Bags?
日期:2012-09-21 22:43


Lesson 61:
What Was in the Bags?After they sort the garbage,Danny and

Jenny are surprised.
Almost all of it can be reused or recycled!
JENNY:People throw too much away!They shouldn't waste things.
DANNY:There is more paper than plastic
And there is less metal than plastic.Glass is the least.
JENNY:Paper is the most.Some of it is only used on one side.We

can reuse it.
DANNY:Look!I found a toy car.One of the wheels is broken.
I'll take this car home and clean it.
Then I'll get my glue,and fix the broken wheel.
JENNY:Look at all of this glass.
It can all be recycled,and made into new glass.
DANNY:A lot of the glass is broken.
That's bad!Once I cut my foot on a piece of broken glass.
JENNY:Litter is a waste,and it can also hurt people!
Later,Jenny and Danny get some bags.
They put all of the sorted garbage into them for recycling.
They only need to throw away a small bag full of garbage!
Fixandmendmean the same thing.
After I fix this car I will give it to my little cousin,Debbie
Nobody should throw out a toy like that.
It's only a little bit broken.
It's not right to waste things.

  • wheeln. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转 vi. 旋转,转动
  • gluen. 胶,胶水,胶粘物 vt. 粘贴,紧附于
  • plasticadj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的 n