北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 6 School life expansion6
日期:2012-09-08 11:48


Unit 6 School Life
Expansion 6
Dear Jodie,
Thanks for your letter.
You ask about my school.
Well,my school is called
Freemont Junior High School
and it is on Coolidge Street
near thecenter of town.
It's between the post office
and a large hospital.
As you walk in the school,
the first thing you see is the library,
opposite the main entrance.
On the right,next to the library,
there are the offices,
including the Principal's office.
His name is Mr.Bradshaw.
I'm in class 7C and our classroom is
on the first floor,
next to the computer room.
Our teacher is called Ms.Perry.
Across from the computer room,
there are three science labs.
We go there for science class.
I go to school by bus.
The bus driver is an old man called Henry.
He's very nice to all the kids.
I have many friends at school
and there is even a member of my family here.
My Aunt June works in the school office.
She is a secretary.
Well,that's all for now.Write soon.
Does Melissa play chess?
No,she doesn't.
Does she watch football matches?
Yes,she does.
Does Tommy study in the library?
Yes,he does.
Does he go to theater club?
No,he doesn't.
