开心学英语第六册下unit 5 Where were you?
日期:2012-07-29 23:53


unit 5 Where were you?
Listen and look.
We're home!It's six o'clock.I was waiting for you at lunchtime.
Where were you?
At lunchtime,we were in the park.We were riding a camel.
Where were you in the afternoon?
We were at the lake.We were fishing.
We were worried! We were looking for you everywhere.
We're sorry!
Listen and say.
at home. at home. bookstore.bookstore.
hair salon .hair salon . subway station.subway station.
at work . at work . toy store.toy store.
dentist's office . dentist's office . fair.fair.
Listen and say.
Where were you at 3:30?
I was at the subway station.I was waiting for my friend.
Were you at the bookstore at 7:00?
No,I wasn't.I was at the toy store.I was looking for a game.
Practice 1
Read,listen and check.
A.where were you at 7:00 ?I was at home .I was planting some flowers.
B.Where was he at 7:30?He was at a book store.He was looking for a book.
C.where were they in the morning?They were at work.they were talking on phones.
D.Were you at the fair yesterday afternoon?No i wasn't .I was at home.I was studying English.
Song activity
1 Listen and sing.
Where were you,Jenny?
Where were you,Jenny?Where were you,Jenny?
I was at school.I was playing basketball.playing basketball.
Where were you,Mom?Where were you,Mom?
I was at work ,I was talking on the phone.talling on the phone.
Where were you,Dad?Where were you,Dad?
I was at home ,I was waiting for your mom.waiting for your mom.
Sounds and words
1 Listen,point and say.
drum drum dress.dress.
drink drink trumpet trumpet
train train tree tree
2 Listen and chant.
Last year at the fair.
I drew this picture last year.
My friends and I were all at the fair.
Gogo was playing a ~~ in the air.
Ben was playing a ~~~ on the chair.
Tony was watching some magic tricks.
Look that's me .with the chopsticks.

  • dentistn. 牙科医生
  • drumn. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物 vi. 击鼓,连续敲击,引起兴趣
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • trumpetn. 喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手 vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘 v
  • chantn. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊