日期:2012-06-16 15:56











1【Down and out in rural Greece.】穷困潦倒的希腊农村




TEXT:Hard times in the country side of Greece. Farmer Dimitris Basanos rears his own goats, and grows his own olives to help supply a little taverna that once provided a livelihood for himself and his family. Not anymore. (SOUNDBITE) (Greek) DIMITRIS BASANOS, FARMER, SAYING: "I have children and grandchildren - I work through the winter months, in the mud and take our olives for 70 cents. I might as well feed them to the sheep than sell them. But what can I do? Because we can't do this work ourselves we have to hire help and pay their wages." (weeps) Retired mechanic Ioannis Charadmadas has had enough (SOUNDBITE) (Greek) IOANNIS CHARAMANDAS, 67, RETIRED MECHANIC SAYING: "I have been affected 100 percent. 100 percent. I have worked for 42 years why should I not enjoy a good pension. Wouldn't that be nice? What's the reason? The conservative New Democracy party tells voters they must choose a path to will keep them in the euro currency, while the radical left promises an end to austerity measures. It's a dilemma that will be shared by many when they head to the polls June 17th. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:希腊农村最艰难的时刻r0YwkCeqx5BGfg+E-So。农民Basanos Dimitris自己饲养了一些山羊,种了些橄榄,供应到一个小酒馆里,以此来维持自己和家人的生计B+_57OF3EPdL1&d!。BASANOS DIMITRIS说:“我有孩子,整个冬季我都得工作,在泥田里收割橄榄来换取70美分9bQGzMu@44F]9~u。我有时也会喂这些橄榄给羊吃,然后卖给他们_CH_t|K6u2。我还能怎么办?我们自己不能做完这些工作,我们不得不雇佣一些人,然后支付他们的工资#jFZ0ta8PR。“(哭咽)退休机械师Ioannis Charadmadas更是心酸9-Z3DABEmHUW!]4f2。他说:“我的生活一直受到影响JfTVM9E~DXfx。 我工作了42年,为什么我不应该享有好的养老金h0ONqng0Ogw%jm]B71qk。那样岂不更好吗?这究竟是为什么?保守派新民主党告诉选民,他们必须选择保持在欧元货币,然而激进左翼派承诺将结束财政紧缩政策@;t&N[sGu^RBlOHyV。到6月17日投票选举那天,对于很多人来说,这将是个两难的问题N~A2ERx.J2


2【Violence rages in Syria】叙利亚暴乱肆虐



TEXT:Amateur video out of Syria appears to show a tank on the streets of Douma. The video, which could not be independently verified by Reuters, shows a Syrian soldier firing his weapon. Smoke can be seen rising as a fire rages behind a mosque. More footage, purportedly from Homs shows a car burning in the streets. Parts of the town now stand in ruins. A popular uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in March 2011 with peaceful demonstrations for democracy. Now some fear it is developing into something close to civil war. Major powers are now working towards holding a crisis meeting in Geneva on June 30 in an effort to try to get a tattered peace plan back on track. All sides signed up to a UN-backed peace plan. But an April 12 ceasefire has been widely violated, prompting many observers to say the plan has failed. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters


3【Egypt run-off faces boycott】埃及总统竞选终赛遭抵制



TEXT:Egyptians are due go to the polls on Saturday and Sunday in the second round of presidential elections. A former prime minister and a Muslim Brotherhood candidate are both vying for the job. But liberal campaigners say the contenders offer few choices - and they're pushing for a boycott. SOUNDBITE: AMR, ELECTION BOYCOTT CAMPAIGNER, SAYING (Arabic): "If the law is not implemented we will boycott, because we will be faced with two choices: a choice to follow racism, or a choice to follow colonialism which will keep Egypt poor and under a new form of colonialism." The web is being used to push the campaign message - with online groups urging, quote, "no to any election under military rule". Tarek Shalaby says people should mobilise to reject an election he claims is rigged. SOUNDBITE: TAREK SHALABY, ELECTION BOYCOTT CAMPAIGNER, SAYING (English): "They make these elections customised specifically for them, so that the result that comes out, whatever it is and whoever it is, works perfectly for them and that's why what we need to do is reject these elections." As Egypt's bumpy political transition continues, liberal activists say the revolution is far from over. Sarah Charlton, Reuters
参考译文:埃及在周六和周日将举行第二轮总统选举投票T^XcLC=yV+。前总理和穆斯林兄弟将参加竞选Od1TGS%AL%。但自由派活动家称,竞争者几乎没有任何选择,他们会遭到抵制V4Uicq&.LM@y。抵制选举的活动家称:“如果法律没有健全,我们将抵制总统选举,因为我们将面临两个抉择:要么追随种族主义,要么追随殖民主义,这会使埃及人依旧穷困潦倒,并遭到一种新形式的殖民主义.AwsQf8Q)hWn[([T。”网络正用来推动竞选——在线选民敦促,引用“没有任何选举是在军队压制之下”KV-G8JFlIJ9。Shalaby Tarek说,人们应该动员起来,拒绝被操纵的选举j#@lEBf(NN*e8_u;xqK。抵制选举活动家Tarek Shalaby说:“这些选举完全是为他们量身定制的,不管选举结果怎样,不管谁当选,都是他们自己精心安排的,这就是为什么我们需要抵制这些竞选qDf)+oA8Xq4UThU。”因埃及艰难的政治过渡还在继续,自由活动者称,革命还远未结束Ol|[(-FuLIuXZ6E*,0


4【Artist wunderkind splashes into NY】艺术神童纽约再展画作



TEXT:Paint hits canvas and another artwork is created. But this artist is a little more playful than most. SOUNDBITE: Aelita Andre, artist, saying (English): "I like all colors even gray and even black and even white, but the most color I like is red and blue and green and also silver and gold." (Reporter Asking: "And toys, do you like toys?") SOUNDBITE: Aelita Andre, artist, saying (English): "Yes, if they are unicorns, yes I do. But unicorns are the best creatures ever. I love them." Five-year-old Aelita Andre is in New York for her second exhibition in the Big Apple. Last year her paintings sold out in seven days. Her work has been described as bright, vivid, playful … it's even been compared to abstract artist Jackson Pollock. So, how does she describe her paintings? SOUNDBITE: Aelita Andre, artist, saying (English): "They look like space and they're not real and they're not realistic. They're like space and they don't look really, really much like space. They look abstract." The exhibition comprises 22 paintings, priced between $4,600 (USD) and $12,900 each. A pretty good income for a 5-year-old prodigy. Tara Cleary, Reuters.
参考译文:油漆往画布上一撒,一个艺术品变成型了CwadASVC7rr。但比起其他艺术家,这位却多了一份童趣*YnAOx;h_Ez1i&EN。艺术家Aelita Andre说:“任何颜色我都喜欢,包括灰色、黑色以及白色D7N%ibRRU.Zh_gMW#=Ud。但我最喜欢的颜色是红色、蓝色、绿色、银色和金色1s|RtlZdu(g@。(记者问:“你喜欢玩具吗?”) Aelita Andre说“我喜欢独角兽,独角兽是最吸引人的,我非常喜欢它们)JR%RSbwFxTqC7!H3。”五岁的Aelita Andre在纽约进行她第二次画展_Z4o+|AUZ)|W]ivIC6。去年,她的作画在七天内一售而空av2TdyI(sVk8%xnjv。她的作品给人以明亮、生动、趣味…有人甚至拿她的画与抽象派画家杰克逊·波洛克相媲美#8OdMyh&*]Y.。但小画家又是如何描述自己的作画呢?Aelita Andre说:“它们看起来就像一个空间,但这是不存在,不现实的do()BaCecOOi。他们类似于一个空间,但看起来又不像,看起来很抽象)sbRpxs6jEEG9SPBn5。”展会将摆出她的22副作画,标价在4600美元到12900美元不等0a.]r7S[GLLDhS^j@)G,。对于一个才五岁的小天才来说,这笔收入可以说是相当可观的Bs,qzDIuC4xzgl_




【NASA Launches Black Hole Hunter】



TEXT:Their gravitational pull is so intense that not even light can escape from them. As gas, dust and stars are sucked in, the material accelerates and heats up, generating powerful X-ray light emissions.


To further study black holes, NASA has launched a new telescope called NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) to see what it might find.


"Stars, nebulae and black holes emit X-rays of the type that we use in medical X-rays, and these cannot be detected from the surface of the Earth," said Paul Hertz, director of NASA's astrophysics division. "But the NuSTAR telescope will focus these X-rays onto its digital camera and send the pictures back to Earth for scientific analysis."

Scientists expect to start getting science data about a month after NuSTAR's launch.


It will be studied by people around the world, including NuSTAR's principal investigator, Fiona Harrison.


"NuSTAR will open a whole new window on the universe, by being the very first telescope to focus high-energy X-rays," said Harrison. "As such, it will make images that are 10 times crisper and 100 times more sensitive than any telescope that is operated in this region of the spectrum."


About a week after NuSTAR launches, its 10-meter mast will deploy, separating the mirrors from the detectors. That provides the distance required to focus the X-ray light into sharp images.


The telescope will be able to find black holes hidden behind screens of dust and gas. It will also be able to tell how quickly a black hole is spinning, which will help scientists learn how black holes form.

"Like all of our NASA missions, we're going to find unexpected things out there that will lead us to questions and answers that we aren't even anticipating at this time," added Hertz.


NASA scientists say one of NuSTAR's goals is to take a census of collapsed stars and black holes in the universe.


【Friends With Benefits, in the Plant World】





TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.


Companion planting is the idea that some kinds of plants can help each other grow. Plants that are compatible together generally have similar needs in terms of nutrients, soil and moisture levels.


Advice about which plants are compatible is sometimes based more on tradition than proof. But experts say there is evidence to support certain combinations. These can improve harvests, reduce disease and help with pest control by attracting helpful insects.


For example, some kinds of soil bacteria take nitrogen from the air and make it into a form that plants can use. The plants hold the nitrogen in their roots. Legumes are especially good at this nitrogen-fixing. Then any crops that share the same space as the legumes can get the nitrogen as the roots decompose.


Beans and potatoes can also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil. Deep-rooted vegetables get nutrients and moisture from lower down in the soil, so they do not compete with plants with shallower roots.


But some plants placed together may harm each other's development. For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, so you would probably want to keep them separated.


Some kinds of produce should be kept apart even after being harvested. This is because of ethylene gas. Ethylene is a plant hormone that can cause some foods to ripen too quickly. Apples release ethylene gas. Apricots, melons and tomatoes also release a lot of ethylene. Some vegetable are easily affected by ethylene, including asparagus, broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers.


This risk of ripening too soon is why markets often separate high ethylene-producing foods from those that are sensitive to the gas.


But if you put an apple in a bag with a green banana, the ethylene from the apple will make the banana ready to eat sooner.


What about peaches, plums and nectarines that are too firm to eat? These kinds of fruit do not need any help from an apple -- they release enough ethylene to ripen themselves. But that does not mean there is no way to get the job done faster.


Growers suggest placing the fruit in a fruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. Keep the fruit at room temperature, out of direct sunlight. Once the fruit is soft enough to your liking, either use it or put it in the refrigerator to keep it from getting too ripe. Yuck.


And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. I'm Jim Tedder.





老鹰乐队简介:老鹰乐队1971年组建于美国,是一支完美融合了乡村音乐和摇滚乐的美国本土流行乐队+~tj_Kg;U-2RXlX。1971年8月组建之初,他们走的是乡村摇滚路线,70年代中期,乔.沃什加入之后,乐风更偏重纯摇滚了nSOJ^4@s&Kf0WlY^。老鹰乐队最初的成员有主唱兼鼓手唐.亨利,主唱、吉他兼键盘葛伦.弗莱,吉他手班尼.林登,贝司手伦第.麦斯勒i5uAfzV9lzjQ8XptP。乐队成立不久便凭借其超强的实力迅速赢得了歌迷的爱戴N1OHv!=HSEdM)b.,og。1972年乐队在伦敦完成了第一张专辑,作品充满了典型的乡村摇滚风格!))q0IYl8Z~;Gqs。代表作"Take it easy”在当年夏天横扫整个美国mqrv@aJh.g]。接着他们又推出了一张具有整体概念的唱片《Desperado》K;ERXj8chv[xf。1974年,丹.菲尔德的加入使得乐队更为强大kY5LIYC4ffp。同年4月的《On the border》推出后,老鹰乐队又前进了一步,他们获得了同年葛莱美的两项提名NJ!P!0Rcr2V!;ppqN。1976年乔.沃什替代了班尼.林登,1977年摩西.B.苏特替代了伦第.麦斯勒l%VF_2[*ESbe。70年代中期乐队获得了很多成功,《One of these night》获得了5周的冠军,而大家非常熟悉的经典歌曲"Hotel California”更是在1977年获得了8周冠军,这首旷世之作达到了1500万张的销量n,vQjZNBvu[2@__rX8o。乐队的每个成员都是实力派音乐人,成员都能主唱,而且都擅长作曲Ndu24tYNRaXSUX]。演出时,有时是几个人轮流担任演唱,有时是弗里和莱顿两个吉他手轮番独唱x=UP;[L_*zKU。在紧凑密集的吉他声中,贝司手梅斯纳和鼓手亨利稳定的节奏配合得完美无缺fB,F(;X]N!.UoWhyD。他们的演唱既有自然摇滚的粗犷,又不失乡村音乐的优雅3@R!j1(EF#kza。这种独特的风格深深打动了广大乐迷的心vyU#bC!H[sZ!。现在乐队的成员是主唱格伦弗雷、鼓手唐亨利、吉他手和低音施密特KH@M|Hrp#Xv]1*!hg*]&
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colita rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself, "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say......
"Welcome to the Hotel California"
Such a lovely place, Such a lovely face
多么可爱的地方, 多么可爱的脸庞
Plenty of rooms at the Hotel California
Any time of year, you can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boy that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain, "Please bring me my wine"
He said,"We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say......
"Welcome to the Hotel California "
Such a lovely place, Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis"
Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice
And she said :"We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chamber They gathered for the feast ;
然后在主人房间里,他们聚集在盛宴前 ;
They stab it with their steely knive
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
"Relax",said the night-man,“ We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
but you can never leave!"
She was in a dilemma whether to stay at school or get a job.
是继续求学还是找工作, 她感到难以决定F7GJsYe(*eyk.)375kGg
I was shocked to see him in tatters.
见他衣衫褴褛, 我大吃一惊ZlL[fr8Ant=jfSC.65!h
Peter was dejected his confidence in tatters.
彼得精神沮丧, 信心皆无viwJA4*321gI]RB
vt. & vi.动员起来, 调动, 鼓动起
The troops received orders to mobilize.
He is trying to mobilize all the supporters.
The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track.
Upon my word,the road’s pretty bumpy just here.
It was a bumpy ride along the farm track.
I think we’ve a bumpy road ahead of us.
give sb/have a bumpy ride
(使) 处境艰难
The business has had a bumpy ride over the last twelve months, but profits are growing again now.
n.奇才; 天才(尤指神童)
She was a child prodigy on the violin.

  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • separatedadj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开
  • pestn. 害虫
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • electionn. 选举
  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧
  • candlen. 蜡烛
  • intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
  • tankn. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池 vt. 把 ... 储于