日期:2021-08-09 10:17


Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things.

It was actually really nice to be able to go to the hosts’ place after my day’s visit. It gets dark really quickly during winters in Europe, usually before the end of the working day around 5pm. The weather was often miserably cold and rainy; just the sort of weather for returning to the host’s place where we either shared food or I cooked for them.

This time in Switzerland I even had the opportunity to share amazing special food from my hosts, like Matthew in Bern who taught me how to make Raclette, which looks like Swiss Grill with cheese using a special oven. While I stayed with Josh in Lucerne, who’s from Hawaii but lived in Switzerland for many years, he made lao lao, a Hawaiian meal wrapped with taro leaves. It was really impressive. I will never forget its fragrance and taste. It was so delicious too.

Josh was a very special man and he shared many stories with me. He was an artist and was really kind when we met. A few years ago, when Josh was a successful entrepreneur he experienced a tragic family bereavement which left him feeling sad, angry and lost. He made a few big lifestyle changes including moving to Switzerland and was now ready to share his stories so as to help other people heal. I have been a podcaster for many years and I want to use this knowledge to help others too. Over the years I've benefited tremendously by telling my own healing stories, helping others and making a living. One night, we sat down and created a podcast together and organized the ideas. It was a very beautiful moment that I will never forget.

Stay tuned...there’s much more to come!

In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of a well-traveled single mom from Switzerland.


