学英语环游世界 第513期(MP3+文本):冥想的好处
日期:2021-01-25 18:26



阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: scribd.com/g/11zah0

好學校Podcast課程目資中: https://hahow.in/cr/lily-podcaster

Day 44

Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 6)


亿万富翁解释了5点起床的习惯养成需要经过三个阶段:Destruction (破坏),Installation (安装),Integration (整合)

Do not neglect the call on you to deploy your fullest talents, magnify your spectacular strengths, multiply your happiness and discover a paradise of peace within you that no outer event can ever reduce.


Neglect 忽视

Call 召唤

Magnify 扩大、放大

Spectacular 惊人的

Multiply 大量增加、使相乘
