日期:2011-12-06 13:04


Jean: Hello everybody and welcome to another Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English with me Jean. 大家好,欢迎来到BBC学英语的纯正地道英语节目,我是珍。

Diarmuid: And me Diarmuid. 我是圣保罗。

Jean: So, what are we going to talk about today Diarmuid? 圣保罗,我们今天要谈论什么?

Diarmuid: I want to talk about my sister's wedding. 我想谈我姐姐的婚礼。

Jean: Ah, how nice! 穆达的姐姐要结婚了。That will be a wonderful day. I'm sure you're looking forward to it. 那会是个盛大的日子。我确信你会很期待它。

Diarmuid: Yes, I am looking forward to it... being over. 是的,我一直期待着……

Jean: Oh, you don't sound very happy about it. 哦,你听上去不是很高兴嘛。

Diarmuid: Between you and me Jean, since she started planning this wedding, my sister has become very, how can I put it? Demanding. 告诉你个秘密吧,自从她开始筹备婚礼,我姐姐变得非常,怎么说呢?

Jean: Demanding 有很多要求的。

Diarmuid: Bossy.

Jean: Bossy 爱发号施令的。

Diarmuid: Even a bit hysterical.

Jean: Hysterical 情绪异常激动地。 结婚不是喜气洋洋的事儿吗?怎么会成了爱发号施令,要求繁琐的情况了呢?Bossy, demanding—but why? A wedding day should be a happy occasion. 为什么呢,婚礼应该是个好事。

Diarmuid: Basically, she's out of control. She's become a bridezilla! 根本上说,她已经失去控制,变成了一个疯狂的新娘。

Jean: Bridezilla? 听起来又像是一个穆达特别喜欢用的混合词。Is that a word made by putting two other words together?

Diarmuid: Yes, and it's today's word. Bridezilla. B.R.I.D.E.Z.I.L.L.A. Bridezilla. It's a combination of the words bride...

Jean: 新娘。

Diarmuid: And Godzilla.

Jean: Godzilla 哥斯拉。 这是个在日本和美国动画片和电影中出现过的怪兽。Bridezilla 就是把这两个字合起来,形容那些行为变得非常难以令人接受的准新娘们,简直就是新娘怪物了。

Diarmuid: She's telling everyone what to do. She's demanding that everything is perfect for her big day. And if she doesn't get what she wants, she gets really upset. 她总是告诉每个人该做什么。她要求婚礼那天一切都是完美的。如果她得不到她想要的,她就会很失落。

Jean: What a nightmare! 真是个噩梦!



A: It's my wedding and it has to be perfect! It has to be a like a fairytale wedding and if it isn't perfect then I'll never forgive you. It's my special day and everything has to be the way I want it! 这是我的婚礼,它应该是完美的!它应该想童话故事里面的婚礼一样,如果它不完美,我将不会原谅你。这是我特别的日子,任何事都应该像我想的那样进行。

B: Alright, alright, no need to be a bridezilla. 好吧,好吧,你不应该成为一个难缠的新娘。


Jean: I'm sure your sister isn't as bad as the bride in the example there. 我想你的姐姐应该不会比例子里面的新娘更糟糕了吧。

Diarmuid: Maybe not, but she certainly knows how to let everyone know when she's not happy. 或许没有吧,但是她一定知道在她不高兴的时候让每个人都知道。

Jean: All women know how to do that Diarmuid. 所有女人都知道怎么做,圣保罗。

Diarmuid: And quite a few men too. 还有一些男人也会。

Jean: Well, that's all for today now. Now when is the wedding? 嗯,今天就到这了。婚礼什么时候进行?

Diarmuid: It's at the weekend so wish us all luck. 这周末,祝我们都好运吧。

Jean: I'm sure she won't become a monster. 我保证她不会成为难缠的新娘的。

  • authenticadj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的
  • demandingadj. 要求多的,吃力的
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • nightmaren. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体