看美剧Gossip Girl学英语(2):人生苦短,及时行乐
日期:2010-03-26 11:06


1. A fling 及时行乐,一时放纵

这里指的是美国年轻人在暑假期间的浪漫邂逅,开学后又各自回到自己的生活学习单中。最有名的fling可能是Grease里面 John Travolta和Olivia Newton John的海滨邂逅了,不过Olivia后来竟然转学到了Travolta的学校。。。我好像没有经历过什么summer love,倒是有过spring festival love,事实也证明,这种一见钟情,极速升温的爱情是不能持久的。

2.low maintenance 很好哄的,很容易满足的的女孩

这样的女孩往好里了说,就是很单纯,很实在,不用花很多时间和精力去照料,往差了说,就是很cheap。本来这是用来形容汽车、机器很好维修保养,现在用来比喻一份关系的女方。汽车里最容易保养的估计要数捷达了吧。我每天坐捷达。与low maintenance 相对的是high maintenance,就是说一个女生很难搞,要求很多,自己自赚个1500一个月,却要求男人带她去吃30块钱的冰激淋还要去高级餐厅。还要tons of attention. 在我看来,这样的女孩更cheap。卡宴看起来就很high maintenance,买不起也养不起。

3.play squash 打壁球

4. ...which is why I need you to keep you chin up and trust that your mother's got this handled. 这就是为什么我要你不要气馁,要相信你妈我会搞定的/有办法都。

(keep your) chin up在口语中,是在让不要灰心气馁,要振作,要有信心。Chin是你的下巴,抬高下巴,昂首挺胸就是自信和勇气的表现。 不过摄影师叫你chin up,确实是觉得你头太低了,太高点精神点。而作为名词的chin-up,在美语中相当于pull-up,引起向上。不过,现在大家好像对俯卧撑(push-up)更感兴趣,而Jack Black的超级搞笑的喜剧片里,他的乐队成员训练他做cock push-up,却不是随随便便谁都能做到。

还有一个习语叫take it on the chin,是说一个人对于打击能够泰然处之,不怨天尤人.

比如:1) The bad news was a real shock, and John took it on the chin.

2) The worst luck comes my way, and I always end up taking it on the chin.

同时wagger one's chin还有闲聊之意.

5. Not that this makes her an any less forceful presence in my life.


6. Hey, if you need to work out the details of your takedown.

韦氏字典给Takedown的解释是:the fact of being humbled,就是丢人现眼,被辱的意思,估计是来自摔跤运动中的takedown(将对方摔倒在地),拳击中叫knockout。

7.What are you up to right now. 你们在干嘛呢?

忘记里词句在剧中的具体语境,总之what are you up to lately/these days 可以用来问候对方最近忙些什么,干些什么。

8. They're obviously just trying to scare us to get us to rat out my dad. 他们就是想恐吓我们,好让我们供出我爸的下落.

Nate的老爸此时正在外国躲避风头。Rat out 意思是“背弃,出卖朋友、亲人。” Rat有叛徒,告密者之意。

9. He is outside of my regular circle. 他不是我交际圈里的人.


10. Ok, fine. I won't bring it up again. 好,没问题.我不会再提此事.

11. A well-preserved 38. 保养很好的38岁女人.


12.We know Chuck had a thing for elder women. 我们知道Chuck老女人感兴趣.

Have a thing for就是没来由的喜欢某样东西。比如你隔壁邻居家的狗为什么对你老婆扔院子里的高跟鞋那么热情高涨,每天缠绵,你实在百思不得其解呀.Chuck喜欢老女人这件事也多少有些没道理,像怪癖一样。

13. Maybe he is her plus-one可能他是她的同伴.

Plus就是去陪guest去party或者夜店的同伴。 有些escort的意思吧。

14. But I assure you, there is an explanation for all of it.

Save your breath, Blair.

Save your breath. 省点力气吧,不要白费口舌了,不必再说了,你说了也是白说。

例如:There is no sense in trying to convince her. Save your breath.

Tell her to save her breath. He won't listen to her.

15. This party is a complete bust. 这个派对简直太失败了.

比如I hate to bust up the party, but we gotta go.

那么说一个聚会很带劲,很成功怎么说呢? Vincent's party was simply ace.

16. Go commando 不穿内裤


Earliest uses

Slate's Daniel Engber dates the modern usage to 1974 college campuses, where it was perhaps an outgrowth of the Vietnam War.[5]

The origins of the phrase are uncertain, with some speculating that it may refer to being "out in the open" or "ready for action." According to Engber many soldiers do go without underwear to "increase ventilation and reduce moisture." The earliest known use of the term in print is January 22, 1985 when Jim Spencer wrote in the Chicago Tribune:

"Furthermore, colored briefs are 'sleazy' and going without underwear ('going commando', as they say on campus) is simply gross".

The expression could also be derived from the term "go regimental" to describe a True Scotsman wearing no underwear beneath his kilt


If a person is 'going commando', they are not wearing any underwear.

It is called 'going commando' because of an old practice in the army, where, so you didn't shit your underwear in battle, you didn't wear any - and therefore could boast that you didn't shit your pants.

Also a known cure for vpl.

"I'm gonna wear those really tight shorts and go commando to show off my bulge."


  • regimentaladj. 团的,团队的
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • assurevt. 使确信,使放心,确保
  • boastv. 吹牛,自夸,说大话 n. 自吹自擂,自夸
  • maintenancen. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用 n. 供给,抚养; 主
  • explanationn. 解释,说明
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • presencen. 出席,到场,存在 n. 仪态,风度
  • bulgen. 膨胀,优势,暴增 vt. 使 ... 膨胀 vi.