日期:2008-03-18 00:19



Sentence Translation:

1. The report notes that obesity can lead to potentially fatal health problems including diabetes, stroke and cancer. But unfortunately, the obesity epidemic in America is getting worse.

2. This company has a very good reputation for job security and looking after its staff with things like good perks, good canteen and paid holidays, that sort of thing. Do those things actually motivate people at their work?

3. Many employees can assume that they're being watched while they work during the day. The majority of the U.S. companies keep watch on their workers with video cameras, tape recorders, computer surveillance.

4. Within a decade of the introduction of the Divorce Act, the total divorce rate rose from 14% of all marriages in 1989 to 30% in 2006.

5、The Chinese currency has appreciated by more than 8% since July, 2005, when the country allowed the Yuan to float against the U.S. dollar within a daily band of 0.3%.

Passage translation:

1. A growing number of educators in the United States have begun to question just how beneficial computers are in the classroom. The debate raging in the US is being closely watched by European and Asian educators who welcome technology but also want to learn from American mistakes. Statistic shows 26% of American school children aged 5 to 9 years old use computers at school. Yet, little research has been conducted to examine at what impact computers have on children's cognitive and emotional development. Our concern is that this is very powerful technology the effects of which we really don't know.

This morning, I am going to talk briefly about consumer price changes in five major countries. Let's look at the US figures. As you can see, the annual change in consumer prices rose from around 4% in 2002 to just under 6% in 2004. At present, the United States has the highest rate of inflation of the 5 countries considered. Now, turning to France. We can see that consumer prices rose less quickly than those in Britain and the US. Inflation rose over to over3% in 2005. By 2006, the inflation rate in France had fallen below that in Germany and was now equal to that in Japan.








1、 所有考试中"听不懂"的原因只有四个方面:


例如:单句听译第1句中diabetes(糖尿病),很多同学的听觉反应迟缓。所幸的是新东方口译听力课上的粉丝基本能拿捏得相当到位。其次,fatal(致命的)的美式发音和英式发音的微妙区别虽然知道但现场反应仍觉慢了半拍,在心理上影响了译文的正常发挥。最后getting worse由于课堂操练多得热昏,故后半句译文基本发挥正常。

单句听译第5句中,US dollars(美金)和Chinese currency(人民币)的汇率浮动问题牵涉到金融和经济背景知识。

2 、"记"包括笔记和脑记




A. 在脑记中,考生对听力文段的理解应该放在两个重点上:一,搜寻,判断话语信息的逻辑关系;二,抓住各个逻辑层次的核心意义。

例如:单句听译第2句中job-security(工作安全性)和motivate people in their work(推动员工工作积极性)信息间的逻辑联系,能推断出整句的核心意义。

单句听译第3句中video(录象) ,tape-recorders(录音机)都是发生在US companies(美资公司)的under surveillance(监督;管制)事件。

单句听译第4句中1989年14%--2006年30%,在decade(十年)中,divorce rate(离婚率)升幅较大,符合当今文明社会的通病逻辑。

B 脑记的困惑主要是:即使对于一段文字理解上没有困难的文段,还是不能靠脑记记忆下来。经常是听了下半句忘了上半句,一长段文字听下来脑子中只剩最后一句。究其原因乃脑中的英文storage太小--即使记忆能力欠佳。解决的办法有两个:dictation(听写)和shadowing(跟读)。

(2) 笔记的关键在于熟练

3 、"译"的关键在速度



例如,本次段落听译中第一段的第一句话中educators(教育专家),PC classes(电脑课程),揭示了主题内容,为下文中5-9岁learning computers at schools(学校电脑教学),impact the power of technology(影响科技实力)奠定了基调和逻辑。

听译第2段,首句中consumption price(消费价格)在美国的上下浮动,暗示了本段的中心思想。下文中2002年4%升至2004年6%,2005年和2006年的inflation(通货膨胀)在5%上下,并且在Germany, France, Japan and the US(德国,法国,日本和美国)间作了比较。

Rome was not built in one day.Practice makes perfect.Perseverance means success.

  • perseverancen. 毅力,忍耐,不屈不挠
  • motivatevt. 给与动机,激发(兴趣或欲望)
  • assumevt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为
  • stroken. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风, v. 奉
  • epidemicn. 传染病,流行病 adj. 流行的,传染性的
  • diabetesn. 糖尿病
  • storagen. 贮藏,存储,保管,保管费,仓库,[计]存储器
  • decaden. 十年
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论