日期:2013-04-17 17:26


  暗箱操作 covert deals

  版权贸易 copyright business

  版税率 royalty rate

  保税区 tariff-free zone; bounded area; free trade zone

  保稳定,促和谐 ensure social stability and promote social harmony

  保险类别 branch of insurance

  保增长,促发展 maintain growth momentum and boost economic development

  保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings

  报复性关税 retaliatory duty

  本末倒置 put the cart before the horse

  彼此平等协商 consult each other on an equal footing

  避免矛盾激化 avoid possible escalation of disputes

  标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes

  变相涨价 disguised inflation

  剥离不良资产 strip bad assets off; dispose of non-performing assets

  薄利多销 small profit margins, big sales

  财力雄厚 financially strong

  参股公司 joint-stock company

  差别关税 differential customs duties

  掺水股票 watered-down stocks

  产生不好的影响 take a heavy toll on

  场外交易人 floor trader

  场外交易 Over-the-Counter

  承认中国的市场经济地位 recognize China’s market economy status

  惩罚性关税 penalty tariffs

  充分释放优势 fully unleash the advantages

  出口创汇能力 the capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports

  出口加工区 export processing zone

  出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export tax rebate

  出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports

  初加工产品 rough-wronght product

  初见成效 produce preliminary (initial) results

  大处着眼 think broadly

  贷款贴息 subsidized loan; loan with discounted interest

  第三者手上责任保险 third party injured liability insurance

  跌停板 suspension of business in case of slump of stock prices

  定期寿险 term insurance

  对冲基金 hedge fund

  度过困难 tide over the difficulties

  对外投资优惠政策 preferential policies for foreign-owned companies

  反补贴税 countervailing duty

  防患于未然 nip in the bud

  服务外包 service outsourcing

  高瞻远瞩的战略眼光 strategic perspective of vision and foresight

  公积金贷款 housing provident fund loans

  股票热 stock craze

  股权分配改革 non-tradable shares reform

  国际收支经常账户顺差 international current account surplus

  国际收支平衡 international balance of payments; payments equilibrium

  国家资产作价入股 conversion of state assets into state shares

  国库券 treasury bonds

  夯实发展基础 shore up the foundation for development

  核销坏账 write off bad loans

  后发优势 advantages of a late comer

  交叉报复 cross retaliation

  金本位 Gold Standard System

  金汇兑本位 Gold Exchange Standard

  进口附加税 import surcharge

  经济好转/回升/上升 economic turnaround/upswing/up-trend/upturn

  竞争优势 competitive edge

  可调换优先股 transferable preference shares

  利率杠杆调控作用 exchange rate leverage

  买壳上市 go public by buying a stake of a listed company

  没收的抵押贷款 foreclosed assets

  凝聚共识 build consensus

  企业采购团 enterprises on procurement missions

  企业所有权与经营权分离 separate ownership from management

  轻度伤害保险 qualified impairment insurance

  求大同存小异 seek consensus on major issues while reserving differences on minor issues

  认购股票 subscribe stocks

  三角债 chain debt

  “三险一金” three insurances (retirement insurance, unemployment insurance and medical insurance) and one fund (housing fund)

  深入发展 gain momentum

  失效保险单 lapsed policy

  世界贸易总额 quantum of international trade

  市场饱和 saturation

  首付款 down payment; initial payment

  特别提款权 Special Drawing Rights

  提高政策的针对性和灵活性 make the policies better-targeted and more flexible

  脱离实际,急于求成 unrealistic pursuit of quick results

  外勤人员保险 out-servant risk insurance

  外需下降 shrinking external demands

  陷入衰退的境地 slip into recession

  信用评级机构 credit rating agency

  养老保险 insurance against annuity; pension crisis

  银本位 Silver Standard System

  应急措施 emergency-response plans

  有价证券投资 portfolio investment

  原始资本 seed capital

  涨停板 suspension of business in case of skyrocketing of stock prices

  张商引资 invite/attract investment

  政府采购 government procurement

  中国创业板 China’s Nasdaq-like growth enterprises board

  主要行情 principal quotation

  住房性贷款政策性贴息 policy-approved subsidies on housing loans

  资产负债比例高 high asset-liability ratio

  做假账 cook the book



  The reform should be guided by a grand vision and begin with specific deliverables. It should be a gradual process that yields win-win results for all.


  We should intensify our efforts to implement the important consensus reached at the conference and continue to work for a fair, just, inclusive and well-managed international financial order. And we should do so in a comprehensive, balanced and incremental manner and lay emphasis on concrete results.

  社会消费品零售总额实际增长15.9%, 增幅同比提高3.6个百分点。

  Retail sales of consumer goods increased by 15.9% in real terms, registering a year-on-year growth of 3.6 percentage points.


  The world economy has run into the most serious challenges ever since the Great Depression of the last century.


  The two sides should seek consensus on major issues while reserving differences on minor issues, instead of imposing restrictions or sanctions at every turn.


  The Hang Seng Index fluctuated violently and Nikkei Index fell to a record low for the year.


  We should work together to oppose trade protectionism in all manifestations and reject attempts to raise the market access threshold under various excuses and all forms of investment protectionism that harm the interests of other countries. And we should fight against the abuse of trade remedy measures together.


  Since its accession to the WTO, in particular, China has entered a new stage of all-round opening up. Opening-up, either in terms of its breadth, depth or quality, has been driven at a pace never seen before. China is so much integrated into the global economy that it has become an inalienable part of it.


  China’s sound economic growth momentum is in itself a major contribution to global financial stability and economic growth.


  SMEs from the EU are well-funded. They have diverse sources of financing and engage in a wide array of businesses. They have a competitive edge in capital and technology-intensive industries as well as the services sector.


  When the river rises, the boat floats high.

  • consultv. 商讨,向 ... 请教,查阅
  • penaltyn. 处罚,惩罚
  • disposevt. 倾向于,处置 vi. 销毁
  • surchargen. 装载过多,额外费
  • stockn. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 adj
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • contributionn. 贡献,捐款(赠)
  • liabilityn. 责任,可能性,债务,不利因素,倾向
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • arrayn. 数组,(陈)排列,大批,一系列 vt. 排列,布署