2013年3月高级口译听力答案: Sentence Translation(E-C)
日期:2013-03-21 09:35


Sentence Translation
1. In high school, a good student is supposed to get a perfect score. In college, the teacher wants to challenge even the best students. Therefore, almost nobody answers every questions correctly.

2. In fact, if you go to the Continent, to France or Germany, you find that city centers have been turned into pedestrian precincts and the cars been almost banned.

3. People living in a town would never dream of walking. There are just too many barriers, pedestrian underpasses, broken pavements and traffic lights where you have to run like a rabbit to get across in time.

4. Statistics show that lawyers are the most depressed of all professionals. Lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else. Suicide is among the leading causes of premature death among lawyers.

5. I’m afraid we can’t reduce the price of this brand of shirt. You know, $20.15 is our rock bottom price. If you purchase more than 10,000 units, we can reduce it to $19.

  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出
  • pedestrianadj. 徒步的,缺乏想像的 n. 行人
  • prematureadj. 提前的,过早的,早产的 n. 早产儿,早熟
  • scoren. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱 vt. 记分,刻划,划线,
  • brandn. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记 vt. 打烙印,铭刻,加污
  • depressedadj. 沮丧的,降低的,不景气的,萧条的,凹陷的,扁平
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战