日期:2019-12-25 12:17


Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
17 October 2019
"Poverty is the worst form of violence", said Mahatma Gandhi of this widespread cause of suffering and deprivation. Today, governments all over the world are taking action, and poverty continues to decline, with the fastest reductions seen in India, Cambodia and Bangladesh.
However, our efforts are not ambitious enough.
At the current rate of poverty reduction, we will not achieve our common target of no more than 3 per cent of the world population living in extreme poverty by 2030. Instead, it is expected that the level will be closer to 6 per cent – around 420 million people. Furthermore, deprivation disproportionately affects sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where 84.5 per cent of people live in deprivation.
按照目前的减贫速度,我们将无法实现我们的共同目标,即:到2030年生活在极端贫困中的世界人口不超过 3%。不仅如此,预计到那时这一水平将接近6%,涉及到大约4.2亿人。此外,贫困对撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚的影响尤为严重,那里84.5%的人生活在贫困之中。
To understand and take action on poverty, it is not enough to merely conduct research on wealth inequality, as this does not capture the all-encompassing reality. The 2019 global Multidimensional Poverty Index reported that 1.3 billion people are "multidimensionally poor", meaning that they suffer multiple disadvantages in the areas of education, health, quality of work, cultural experiences, violence and general wellbeing. Half are children under the age of 18, and one third are children under the age of 10.
仅仅对贫富不均现象开展研究不足以了解贫困并采取行动,因为这一现象并不能反映出包罗万象的现实。2019年度《全球多维贫困指数》报告显示, 全球共有13亿人处于“多维贫困状态”,这意味着他们在教育、健康、工作 质量、文化体验、暴力和总体福祉方面遭受多重不利影响。这其中半数为18岁以下的青少年,三分之一为10岁以下的儿童。
Therefore, we must go further and closely examine the cultural, environmental, social, spatial and political factors that are both a root cause and a means of propagation of poverty.
This is central to UNESCO's action, which focuses on girls and women in particular. UNESCO uses education as a lever, because for each year that a girl spends in the classroom, her future income will increase by 10 to 20 per cent. In turn, educated mothers will make school a priority for their daughters. In light of this, UNESCO's new Futures of Education initiative aims to transform education to combat social fragmentation and inequality.
Today, let us draw inspiration from Nelson Mandela, who said: "As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest". UNESCO, for one, will not.
